Thursday, February 28, 2013

Perry at 2 Months

Little miss is doing wonderfully these days. Can't really complain about anything! She's stopped having her screaming fits before bed. After one particularly rough evening, we went out and bought, Mylacon, gripe water and colic drops. Don't know which has helped or if she's just growing out of it, but I don't care! She sleeps through the night for the most part, which I am so grateful for. She and Davis both really spoiled me with that. Doc said she is a shorty, which I was surprised to hear. Elliot and Davis were always on the higher end with height. Now that's not to say she won't shoot up later down the road.
Height: 22in--34%
Weight: 9 lb 10.5 oz--22%
Head: 14.57 in--8%

Here are some pictures that I've been meaning to post. The last one is her 2 month shot.
Feb 4- Dressed for church
Feb 8
Feb 11
Feb 24
 2 months


Lindsey said...

Cutie! And sleeping through the night is awesome!! I look forward to those days again! haha

Christina Bassi said...

She is sleeping through the night?! Levi still wakes up twice a night to feed. You are one lucky mommy. She looks like a baby doll. Love those smiles. We can't wait to meet her. We are planning to come down to Dallas at the end of April or the beginning of May.

Laura said...
