Saturday, July 11, 2015

Sunflower stop

I drove by this sunflower field the other day & fell in love. I'm not even a sunflower person, but looking at this field just made me happy. So the next day I drug out the family to take some pictures. I thought for sure the kids would think it was the coolest thing ever. They proved me wrong & were pretty uncooperative the entire time. We did manage to get a few nice shots, so I'll rule it as a success.

 This is how it really was the whole time. Perry crying for me, Davis constantly rubbing his eyes & wiping his nose & Elliot just being grumpy.


Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

It's a success if you make it out the door in my opinion. So kuddos to you!

Unknown said...

Oh, the sunflowers are beautiful! And it is neat to see how big they are compared to the kids! I think they often enjoy all of those outings more than they show--and they learn so much from all of those great experiences!