Monday, August 20, 2007

Back to School

Today was Lane's 1st day of medical school. I woke up early to make him breakfast since it was a special occasion. This morning we just stocked his backpack with all the food he eats throughout the day. All in all it was a successful day for him. He sat through 4 lectures & 1 lab, where he was able to observe his cadaver...which he described as an old, fat, naked, hairless woman. YIKES! He said he wanted to barf the whole time. In fact, he's telling me he can't talk about it right now or else he'll have a gag reflex. Haha! And to top it all off, someone dropped the tray that the cadaver was on causing it to splash down into the big tank of fermaldehyde that it's kept in & got on him. I guess he'll get used to it.


Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

Yea!! Congrats to Lane! That's quite a big step....the first day! We so chose the wrong profession...

Regina said...

Jalei, you're such a good little wife, cooking breakfast!! Congrats Lane!!