Sunday, August 26, 2007

Tag Your It...grrr...Marianne!

4 Jobs I've had:
1. Front Desk girl at a gym for 5 years! My all time favorite! I met so many people & loved making people's day with a warm smile & least I felt like I made them happy.
2. Nanny of 2. One was an adorable & demanding, spoiled 5 yr old. And the other was a computer addicted, depressed 12 yr old. Can you guess why I quit???
3. Secretary at a law firm. With all my coworkers over twice my age, I still loved working there & with them. They were awesome!
4. 2nd grade teacher. Already looking towards retirement, I'm in my 2nd year of teaching. I'm hoping this one is better than last & is also my last! I guess I'll keep wishing:)

4 Movies I could watch over and over:
1. My Best Friend's Wedding
2. The Notebook-what girl doesn't enjoy watching that & having a good cry
3. The Holiday-I've totally related to that movie at one point in time!
4. I can't think of any more movies, but am obsessed & awaiting the new season of Grey's Anatomy!!!!!!

4 Places I've lived:
1. Ha ha! Arlington, TX--my entire life!
2. Houston, TX--resident of 3 months
3. I need to get out more!
4. Seriously!

4 Guilty Pleasures:
1. Cotton Candy-I stock up on it at the Dollar Store! I need to start weaning myself of it.
2. Pilsbury break apart chocolate chip cookies--I have to get them every time I'm at the store!
3. Marble Slab Amaretto ice cream w/ reeses butter cups mixed in, on a butterfinger cone
4. Since I've only listed food, I'll throw something else in here--shopping!

4 Places I've been on Vacation:
1. Mexico on our Honeymoon.-I've never enjoyed intentionally being burned in my life!
2. New York-Although I was miserable there, I can still check it off the list of places I've been.
3. Utah-Snow boarding--so much fun
4. Vegas-So much to see! I'm trying to convince Lane to go with me this time!

4 Favorite Foods:
1. Haha! See Guilty Pleasures above;)
2. I love me some that is
3. Cheesecake Factory's Buffalo Blasts. I recommend everyone trying them...Heavenly
4. Pizza in the morning, pizza in the evening, pizza at supper time. When pizzas on the table, we can eat pizza anytime! Do yall remember that song? I think I substituted pizza in there.

4 Websites I Visit:
1. This one of course! I always want to see who's updated. That's why I'm doing this thing!
2. Yahoo! email
3. Myspace-I just put the Cowboys logo as my picture & the NFL song. Check it out
4. Facebook-yes I know I'm too old for it, but I just want to see what everyone else is doing!

4 Places I'd rather be right now:
1. Anywhere tropical
2. At a spa getting a massage
3. On a raft in a pool...since I know I'll never be at #1
4. In a bed with lots of fluffy blankets & pillows

4 Books I love:
1. The Christmas Box-I read it every December
2. Quick reads with inspirational messages & short stories
3. US Weekly-I know it's not a book, but still entertaining!
4. Shape-Once again, I know it's not a book, but I get motivated by looking at all the skinny people...and a little annoyed

4 Things I would like to know how to do:
1. Not eat unhealthy food
2. Knit--It looks like fun
3. Be more crafty
4. Speak Spanish. Lane got me CDs for my b-day last year(haha for those of you who know the story) I really do want to be fluent in it though

4 Neglected body parts:
1. My feet-I need to quit trying to do my own pedicures
2. My nails-I just did them the other day & I already have chips:(
3. My lips...they're so chapped!
4. I'm sure there's plenty more

4 Things I worry about:
1. Will the Cowboys do good this season?? YES!
2. Will I be able to make it through this year of teaching?
3. Will we ever be rich? Probably not!
4. I try not to worry about things

4 Happiest Moments:
1. Getting married
2. Getting engaged
3. Getting a job
4. Watching my sports teams win

4 Things I want to do this year or in the future:
1. Get a new car!
2. Lose 10lbs!
3. Go to Spain
4. Never have to work again!

4 People I am tagging:
1. Regina
2. Laura
3. I don't have any other people on this thing to choose from!


Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

So fun to read these, but yes a huge pain to fill them out. What' is Regina's address? I tried to look at her blog but it is blocked. Tell her to quit being such a goody-two-shoes and let me in!! :+)

Laura said...

I just read your list, it was funny! ... I need to do that on mine. I'll start working on it. :) (Oh, and I'll have you know that I have run on our treadmill every day but Sunday's since we got it... although running is starting to be a little too uncomfortable with my big belly and all, so I'm sticking with walking.) :)