Friday, January 2, 2015

New Goal

I haven't made goals for the past few years because I never keep them. But this past year I noticed one thing that didn't happen that I am determined to change- More family pictures. Not professional ones, but your everyday group shot. As I was making my blog book for 2014, I noticed we only had 1 family picture. That is pitiful! And I can probably count on one hand how many pictures I am in with the kids. I'm always the one taking the pictures, but it's important for me to be in them as well. Heaven forbid something happens to me. The kids memories would fade and they'd have no idea what I looked like. So how am I going to fix this problem? It's such a pain trying to get someone to take your family's picture. And most of the time it doesn't turn out too good, but you don't want to make them retake it. So I'm buying a tripod. Yep. It will be a pain sometimes, but I feel it's worth it. I'll take it with me whenever we go somewhere I know we'll want a family picture. So here's to more family pictures in the new year.

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