Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Perry's 2 Year Well Check

Today I took Perry to her 2 year check up. She has not been eating very much lately, so I was curious to see what the doctor would say about it. She is 35 inches tall--between 75-90 percentile. She only weighs 22.6 pounds--less than 5 percentile. Her doctor said just by looking at the numbers, she would be very worried about her weight. However, by looking at Perry, she is not concerned. She doesn't look malnourished or anything. She said to keep offering her food, but don't make a big deal if she doesn't eat. So here's to hoping her appetite picks back up. She really weighs about as much as a 1 year old. She definitely wasn't lacking any energy. She was bouncing off the walls & being so loud! Here she is on the procedure table doing somersaults. In the 2nd picture, she's doing one right on the edge! Luckily there was a chair right next to it because she landed in it. The last picture is where I found her later today. And yes she had the water running.


Bexie Funk said...

wow she's tiny! I think George is close to 20 lbs, but my kids are usually huge!

Jami said...

At least she wants to brush her teeth. I wish she would get her cousins too.