Tuesday, February 23, 2016

29 weeks 4 Days

I had another appointment yesterday. All looks well. Baby weighs 2 lbs 12 oz. I weigh 130 lbs. My eyes about bulged out of their sockets when I saw that. I've gained 16 pounds so far. I feel like that's too much at this point. And I know the last month I put on an average of 2 lbs per week, so YIKES. I'm pretty uncomfortable at this point. There's really no position I can stay in for too long before I have to change it up. And moving around hurts. Even when I'm just walking, I feel very sore in my pelvic area. Only a little over 2 months! We had originally scheduled my induction for April 30th, but my doctor just informed me that she'll be out of town. SO we're trying to figure out another time. The soonest after that would be 3 days before my due date. I've never lasted that long before so I'm just worried that I may go into labor while she's still out of town and another doctor would have to deliver. Usually no big deal, except for the fact that my insurance only covers her. And it was all perfect because April 30th is a Saturday and the kids wouldn't have to be toted back and forth to school. It would just be less stressful for me. Also, Lane already has the day off in addition to a couple of more right after that. If I had to wait til Tuesday, he would have to take more days off. Ugh. Just when I thought everything was set in stone. I'm waiting to hear back from her so we will see.

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