Thursday, October 18, 2007

Marriage Questionaire

1. Who is your man? Lane
2. How long have you been together? married 7.5 months
3. How long did you date? 5.5 months
4. How old is your man? 28
5. Who eats more? I CAN eat more, but he DOES eat more since he needs the "energy".
6. Who said "I love you" first? He did. Girls shouldn't say it 1st!
7. Who is taller? Lane by a foot
8. Who sings better? la la la :)
9. Who is smarter? Definitely Lane. The kid skipped HS. Who does that? people that's who
10. Whose temper is worse? haha! Mine! That was actually an issue for a while. I've since simmered down.
11. Who does the laundry? Lane. Our apartment doesn't have a washer/dryer unit & he said it was no big deal to use the community ones. So I made that his chore.
12. Who does the dishes? We both do, but I probably do them a little more because I'm anal about it.
13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Depends if you're looking at it standing in front of the bed...that would be Lane.
14. Who pays the bills? Lane. He's into investments, so I let him deal with that. Plus, I don't want to be reminded of how poor we are.
15. Who is better at the computer? Lane is Mr. Fix it.
16. Who mows the lawn? Don't need to. We live in an apartment.
17. Who cooks dinner? It's about 80/20 Lane. I'm getting better at it :)
18. Who drives when you are together? He does, but I help!
19. Who pays when you go out? He's the one who pulls out the card. I don't want our waiter thinking he's not a gentleman!
20. Who is more stubborn? ME
21. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Lane just said he's never heard me admit I'm wrong...liar
22. Whose parents do you see most? Mine & his Dad & Brenda. They live down the street from each other.
23. Who kissed who first? After a MONTH of dating, he kissed me. It was my fault he waited so long. I could never relax!
24. Who asked who out? He asked me out. We were friends before he moved to Boston, so when he came back & I saw him at church, we caught up & he asked me out. However, I was under the impression it was a date & he was just filling his time- How rude!
25. Who proposed? He did-made a nice little speech about "firsts"
26. Who is more sensitive? LANE by far!
27. Who has more friends? Well I probably have more close friends, but he makes friends with everybody easily. Me, not so much. I'm good with the ones I got.
28. Who has more siblings? Lane-11 in all
29. Who wears the pants in your family? I think we each wear a leg


Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

OK I love your answers. So original. And I'm the same as you. Happy w/ the friends I got. I'm no good at making new ones.

Regina said...

That was cute. You best be happy with the friends you have!! hee hee.