Thursday, August 1, 2013

Wisdom Teeth

At my last dentist appointment, I was informed that there had been some movement with my wisdom teeth. The dentist said it would be in my best interest to have them removed, or else later down the road I would be dealing with root canals and things of that sort. I was very displeased with the unexpected news as you can imagine. I thought I would never have to have them removed since I hadn't gotten them in at my age. Sigh. So I just tried not to think about it until the day of. I figured I'd be back on my feet by day 3 at the latest. The day of, I was of course out of it after the procedure. I came home and slept for 2 hours. When I woke up, I felt good enough to go furniture shopping. Hey, we have things to do around here! The next day, my face was more swollen and it just got worse from there. Like this was even worse in person!

After the weekend had passed and my face hadn't started to deflate (the swelling starting creeping up towards my eye), I went back to my dentist and got new meds. After a couple of days things started to improve.Thank goodness because I really couldn't go out in public looking like this. It has now been 2 weeks and I still have a little swelling, but compared to this picture I'm in good shape.


Bexie Funk said...

ouch! i had mine taken out a while ago and never had swelling like that! hope you feel better.

Christina Bassi said...

Oh you poor thing. That looks painful. Glad they got the meds finally figured out.

Jocelyn said...

Poor thing... glad you're finally feeling better!

Also, did you find any furniture the day you went shopping?? :-)