Friday, October 25, 2013

The Daily Grind

If you think we’re off hiking or seeing volcanoes every day, you are wrong. Lane does have to work while he’s here. And they are normal 10 hour shifts. He’s worked the past 2 days & still has 3 more days to work before he’s off again. So what do we do while he’s gone all day? Not too much. He takes the car. We usually hang around the house until Perry goes down for her morning nap. And once she’s up it’s time for lunch. We like to eat out on the balcony. The kids think that’s the greatest. After lunch it’s naps for the bigger kids (and fingers crossed for Perry too). They get up about 2pm. And that’s when we attempt to venture out. There’s a really nice park about a 15 minute walk from our apartment that we like to go to. So far the only issue has been the wind. It is SO windy here! It makes it really cold to where I don’t want to leave the house. But I don’t want to stay inside all day either. That has been a challenge. 

 And if you think we’re exempt from getting sick, you’re wrong there too. Last night Perry woke up at 11pm with Croup. We didn’t sleep at all. The next morning, we all went to the hospital with Lane to have her treated. They are very informal there. Maybe it’s because they know Lane works there. Who knows. We told the nurse what she had. She went to get some medicine, gave it to her & that was pretty much it. I guess I really couldn’t ask for more. The nurses were so nice. The one working with us pushed the stroller all the way out to my car! What?! Perry is doing a little better now. She just has a runny nose & every time she sneezes, it’s a mess!


Jami said...

That stinks, but at least you have connections.

Brenda said...

Poor Perry, but I bet she is still smiling! Love that girl's smile! Hope she is soon better and all can get much needed sleep