Monday, August 25, 2014

Kindergarten Here She Comes!

Well the day has finally come for our first born to enter the school system! She has been so excited about Kindergarten for the longest time. The first day was nerve racking for me, but smooth sailing for her. She wasn't nervous at all. I almost cried 3 times. Once on the the drive there. Once on the drive home & right before I picked her up. Fortunately I was able to hold it together. Although now that I think about it, it might have been therapeutic for me to let it all out. 

When she got home, she was still all smiles. She said she had a great day. She loved her teacher. Her favorite part was eating in the cafeteria...LOL! The first thing she said was she got to eat on a stool. It's the little things :)

 Sisters! (Davis was still sleeping!)


Christina Bassi said...

Good job Keeping it together. I cried my eyes out when Dominic started school for the first time. Her little outfit is adorable. Glad she had such a good first day. They have lockers in elementary school!

Laura said...

She is so cute! It's amazing how fast they grow up! I hope she has a great year!

Unknown said...

Yes, she has won my HEART!!