Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Sweetsie Pie at 20 months

I'm a little behind with this post. We were waiting on our new insurance to find out if we needed to switch pediatricians, which we did. So that took some time. Anyway, here we are at 20 months. Perry is definitely developing a personality. She is very energetic & is really babbling a lot. I would guess she has about 10 words down. She loves to dance. Anytime music comes on, she takes that as her cue to boogie. She refuses to keep bows in her hair & even pulls out her ponytail most of the time, leaving a very messy looking child. She loves dogs. She's constantly chasing Winnie around at my parents' house. And when my brother's dog is around, she loves on her as well. Unfortunately she's into copying everything Davis does. So lately she has been screaming, running around like a mad lady & occasionally hitting. It's definitely monkey see, monkey do. Of course when I get onto her, she just laughs with the biggest smile on her face. Luckily, she sleeps well. She takes a 2-3 hour nap & goes to bed around 8:30pm and gets up between 6:30-7am. She loves "juice" just like the rest of the kids. She looks for it whenever we're at my parents' house. At this age, she does great in the nursery at church, but not so great in sacrament meeting. Can't wait til she can not throw a fit & sit somewhat still for an hour. 

Weight- 22 lbs
Heights- 32"

These pictures wrap up her personality these days...

 This above picture cracks me up it's so cray looking!


Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

MAN! Ok, your trip. So fun! Did you darken your hair and get braces? You look amazing. Next time you're in Hoover Dam, tell me!!! I will drive up and meet you to play for a day. :)
Your girls are getting so big. I love the Elliot post.

Christina Bassi said...

Oh man. She looks like she has such a personality. These pictures crack me up.