Tuesday, December 25, 2007

New Family Beginnings

Since this is our 1st Christmas as a married couple, I decided to start a tradition. Every year, we'll buy each other pajamas to open on Christmas Eve & then we'll sleep in them & open presents in them on Christmas day! I thought it was a pretty brilliant idea and it's something we'd be able to carry on when we decide to have little ones. So here's the 1st official picture of the Blankenship Family Christmas Tradition!


Jaymie and Justin said...

thats gay

Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

It's so not gay! I love it!
And way to go L on picking out the pink pj's. Very good choice.

Regina said...

Based on the fact that your hair and makeup are done, you left out the part about taking a shower, getting dressed, and changing BACK into the pajamas to open presents! Hee. hee..which are so cute by the way, I just had to mess with you.