Monday, December 24, 2007


This will be the 4th year that my family has been doing this tradition. We started it when it was just me left at home & now Lane has become a part of it too. Every Christmas Eve, we go to the cemetery to visit Jenai on her birthday & then afterwards, we go to El Rancho Grande. My favorite part about this is the story I make my dad tell from his school days. Every year, he pretends he doesn't remember it, but with a little coaxing, he starts dishing this hilarious tale. I think the reason I like it so much is because of the name of the main character. You'll understand in a moment. I'll do my best to retell: He & his friend Rex were on a double date at some diner when they hear this kid named WooWoo(yes, this is the one) talking very rudely to his waitress. Rex says something to him & they have some words. Well just as WooWoo is about to let Rex have it my dad blocks his punch & throws him on the ground. WooWoo's friends clear their tables & now they're all in on the fight. Long story short, my dad bloodies up WooWoo & ends up throwing him through a window. The waitress lets my dad & Rex out the back door before the cops came. This story just cracks me up because it's so unbelievable. And based on my dad's description, this is the picture I have of WooWoo in my head.

1 comment:

Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

Ha ha!!! Hmm...I wonder if WooWoo could be a girls name??? I'll see what Clint thinks.