Sunday, December 30, 2007

San Antonio

Day 2 of our road trip was to San Antonio. Once again we did a lot of walking (my legs aren't used to that)! We saw a lot of cool things and ate at this great Italian place on the River Walk. My favorite part was the river boat tour. I have to admit I was a little disappointed with our guide. She was so boring! But it was still a pretty ride.

Although this picture is blurry, I still think it's pretty. I took it on the boat. If you squint, you can tell it's the river.

We were in a park with different sculptures & decided to play on them.

When you see a big nose, how can you not pick it???

Here's Lane at the Tower of the Americas. I had to lay on the ground to get this angle!

There were lots of cool waterfall areas in this park.


Christina Bassi said...

Those are so great pictures. I like the one with you picking the giant nose. How funny. Isn't the riverwalk beautiful at Christmas time. Looks like you guys had fun on your little road trip. Dominic is doing much better now. He got sick on the 27th.

Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

I love those pictures!! You are quite the photographer. And the picking the nose one is my absolute favorite.

Regina said...

Glad your trip was fun. One of these days we all need to take a girls trip and shop in San Marcos. Save your pennies!

Julianne said...

I love the nose picking picture - that is great.