Thursday, January 8, 2009


We went to Seattle for part of the holidays to visit my brother & his wife Jaymie. We had a fabulous time with them! I probably ate my weight in food, but I evened things out with all the yacking I did. Yes my body decided to give me my 1st dose of morning sickness pretty much the entire trip. We still managed to go anywhere a photo op presented itself. This time of year Seattle is cold & windy which did not mix with us. We would literally drive somewhere, run out to take a picture & then hop back into the car. Jaymie & Justin probably thought we were lame because every time they suggested we do something outdoors we were like "no thanks". This proves I could never live anywhere up north. One disclaimer about the pictures...We took about 70, but it was ridiculous how bad we looked in them, so I only came up with these.

This is a giant concrete troll that's located under a bridge. Jaymie says it was in the movie "10 Things I Hate About You".

Here I am on this awesome suspension bridge in Vancouver Canada! From it you can see this beautiful waterfall.

We all got to go skiing. It was so much fun. But I have to say I'm getting older because after 3 runs we went to eat lunch & I was completely fine with not going back out. However we wanted to get our moneys worth, so we went back for 2 more runs. I was exhausted!


Allison said...

Oh, wow! Looks like such fun!! Beautiful pictures! I'm with you though as I could not stay outdoors too long and definitely could not live in such cold weather. I have never been skiing before and look forward to doing so one day soon.

the tatsaks said...

I am jealous! I have never been there but have heard how beautiful it is. The picture of you on the bridge is awesome!

Regina said...

Love that picture of you on the bridge! It looks really cold tho, I would have been just like ya'll. Back in the car asap.

Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

I'm dying to go there, it's so pretty! I'm w/ you on the boarding thing. I get wiped after a few runs, plus I hate being cold.

Jami said...

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun.

Christina Bassi said...

How much fun! Looks like you guys had a great trip. Wow, that bridge was really beautiful. It looks like my ski clothes fit you well. That's great. Glad you got to use them. Hope they kept you warm. It does look pretty darn cold there. :)

Debbie said...

how fun! yeah, I love cold weather but I'm such a wimp...I would have been just like you! Sorry all the morning sickness started up on your trip...hope it gets better!!

The Piersons said...

What a fun trip, I had no idea how beautiful it would be in the winter. I've only seen sunny Seattle. I bet they were so happy to have y'all come up!

Julianne said...

Sorry you're not feeling great - you look like you had fun!

The Lindsey's said...

Looks like ya'll had a good time. I'm so excited that your going to be a careful and take care of yourself. The best part you can eat and eat and eat

robert said...

Hey girl!!! I know we are a little slow---- I feel like I haven't talked to you in forever! We have had family in town-- in fact they are still in town. Anyway--now I will at least get to see you in RS Yeah!
Anyway--- rob and I are super excited for you guys!!! hang in there!! Let us know if there is anything we can do for you guys! :)