Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Baby Doc

Today was my 1st appointment. I'll be 7 weeks tomorrow. They went ahead & took a sonogram & you could see a little flickering light (the heartbeat). Other than her pointing it out, I couldn't tell what anything was. They took tons of blood and as a result my arm still hurts. She did say I have some fluid around my right ovary, but it's nothing to worry about. Someone is supposed to call me to set up a screening for that. But things look good! I have an appointment in 2 weeks for a reason I can't remember, then after that it will be monthly. I was going to post the cute little sonogram, but it didn't come out well with me taking a picture of a picture. Maybe as time goes on, I'll figure that out.


Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

Yea, first apt. down! Ours is Saturday.
Are you into insurance fraud at all?? Tell your doc you're sick and need Zofran. I'll pay you back! ;)

Alyssa and Kevin said...

Congrats lady! I'm glad everything went well.

Regina said...

Yay!! I always thought appts were so exciting. And I fully expect a phone call after every one of them. good job on that today. You need to figure out how to post the sono, I must see it!

Gwen said...

NICE! I hope you enjoy going to the OB as much as I do. I certainly hope that you have a great a doctor too. I think that is half the battle of being pregnant...finding a doctor that you LOVE.

Jeremiah recommended that you take your sono to CVS and scan it in. Be sure to take a cd with you so that you can save the image on it. He doesn't know how much it is but it can't be all that expensive. Good luck!!!

I gotta run...I have to get ready to go to my OB appt this morning :o)

KT said...

How exciting! How are you feeling?

Laura said...

Do you have a due date yet? Seriously, I am so excited for you guys! :)

Christina Bassi said...

I remember our first appointment. It was so exciting seeing that little heart beat. Have you checked out I loved it when I was pregnant. They send you emails each week all about your baby's growth and what they can do. Are you guys home yet? How was the trip?

Christina Bassi said...

You said you were trying to take a picture of a picture. We have a scanner if you want to use it.

Kelley and Addison said...

oooohhh so exciting!!!! whats your due date? is it too soon to talk about names?? any ideas?

Debbie said...

yayyyy! I'm with Regina...I would/still count down days until appointments! so fun! maybe not so much all the drawing blood stuff, but everything else...yep!

at the very beginning, with the paper pictures, I would just scan ours to post and email out. now, thankfully, we get cds with the pictures on them....MUCH easier to show everyone! so how are you feeling??? :)

Allison said...

So glad to hear everything went well. I always looked forward to my doctor's appointments, especially when I was having an ultrasound. I would literally count down the days! Sorry to hear about the morning sickness, but it will be gone before you know it and other lovely "symptoms" will appear!! :) It's only a small price you pay for such a short will be holding a miracle in your arms before you know it!

the tatsaks said...

I am so excited! Appointments are so fun! I cant wait to see pics!

CoCo said...

Very exciting! I look forward to more posts as you track/update progress of you +1.

Again, so nice to see and Lane over the holiday!

Steve and Cami said...

What? Where have I been? Congrats! That is SO exciting.