Thursday, September 29, 2011

38 Weeks

I had my 38 week  appointment today. First I had my ultrasound. I asked her if I could get some pictures this time around. She said that since it's so close to my due date that I probably wouldn't because the baby is too big. Case & point...see picture below.
 This is the back of his head. Ha!
Sorry I look like trash in this picture, but I didn't think to take one until I had already gotten undressed. Oh well, at this point I don't care.

Nothing new to report, except that I am 2cm dilated & Davis is weighing in at 7 pounds 2 ounces (sheesh!). The doctor said she was surprised he's measuring that big. That scares me a bit. I have 1 more appointment the day before my induction. She's going to strip my membranes & hopefully that will get things going. Davis should be here Friday or Saturday!


the tatsaks said...

You are looking AMAZING!!! He has such a cute head-HA! And that is next Friday or Saturday...right? Cant wait!!!!

Allison said...

You look great!! You only look like you stuck a basketball under your shirt! :) I was HUGE everywhere with both kids. And, they were off my a whole pound with both of their estimated weights. Glad all is well and I just can't believe he will be here so soon. So excited!

KT said...

You look so good- not like you are 38 weeks pregnant! I'm so excited for you! What a fun time! Stripping the membranes didn't work for me, I hope you have better luck! (Even though the membranes thing didn't work for me, I got induced a few days later and it went great!)

Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

You are adorable. Can't wait to see him!!!!

Debbie said...

you look fantastic!!!!! what an adorable bump! you are all belly. so exciting that he is almost here!!!! :)

Alys said...

You will be fine with a bigger baby I think. #2 should come easier because your body has been through it before. You still look small though to me. And, I can't believe you will have the baby in a week!

Jaymie and Justin said...

You look so tiny, so I hope Davis isn't too big.

Jami said...

It just looks like you put a ball under your shirt. It's not fair. 7lbs is tiny. The girls were 8lbs, 9.7lbs, 8.13lbs, and 8.13lbs.

Bexie Funk said...

you don't look like you are 9 months pregnant! how does that baby fit in you?

Lindsey said...

I can't believe it's so close!! Can't wait to see photos! :)

Christina Bassi said...

What are youyou talking about. You could never look like trash. You are all baby. So soon! How exciting! I wish we I could be there!