Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Nothing New

We have been doing a lot of this lately...

 Not much has been going on and I'm ok with that. It's been kind of nice just hanging around the house in our pj's. But things should start to pick up this week. We have a play date planned for the next 2 days.
Elliot has been really great with playing on her own lately. I walked back to her room to find this. She had put all of her stuffed animals down for naps and her as well. Of course she's not really asleep:)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Stars Game

My sister got extra tickets to a Stars game and invited the whole family. I have only been to 1 hockey game in my life. I have to say I can get into any sport if I'm there in person. And I will say hockey is more exciting when they have fights. There was only 1 this game.

 Papi, Elliot & her BFF Eleanor
She passed out for about 5 minutes. It was a 2 'o clock game and she usually naps at 1. So when 3 'o clock rolled around she couldn't fight it anymore. Shortly after, they scored a goal & everyone cheered waking her up. Then she had her 2nd wind.
 After the game we went to this burger place called Grease Monkey. It was in downtown Arlington. I hadn't been there since they started to revive the area & I have to say it's really cute. I loved the atmosphere of this place.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Davis is 3 Months

3 months is the age where things start to get fun (at least to me anyway). Babies are easier to handle at this point because they've filled out some and aren't so fragile. And they've started to respond to parents' crazy antics by smiling and laughing. Such is the case for my sweet little guy. He is such a good baby. He's already sleeping through the night and we didn't even have to make him cry it out. He just started doing it a week or 2 after he turned 2 months. That has helped mommy in the sanity department. He eats every 3 hours and is awake for about 1.5-2 hours before taking a nap. I love going to get him out of his crib. We use one of those swaddle blankets and as soon as I undo it, his little arms fling into the air for a big stretch. So cute! He's getting better at tummy time. I have to admit that I am totally slacking in the mom department on this one. I was a nazi with Elliot, but now that there's 2 of them, I'm constantly being pulled in 2 different directions, so the tummy time hasn't been my top priority. That is until this past week. I'm making up for lost time. I looked back at E at 3 months and she was a champ at lifting her head up really high. So now I'm trying to catch Davis up. I've also been sticking him in the Bumpo as well and he does great at that. With Davis I never signed up for the weekly emails you get about what your baby should be doing. I still get the ones for Elliot, so I forget what should be happening.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

1st Date of the Year

Since one of our New Year's resolutions is to go on a monthly date and Lane's schedule is crazy, we have to plan them out in advance. So once I had all of his shifts written on the calendar, we really only had a couple of free dates available in January and they are at the beginning of the month. Not to mention on random days. It kind of feels weird going on a date on a Tuesday night, but it all worked out. For Christmas I gave Lane a homemade gift "12 Daytz of Christmas" that I found on some blog. For each month they tell you what to do which kind of makes it nice that we don't even have to think about it. January was pretty simple: go to dinner and a movie. We had planned to go to Fuzzy's Tacos (LOVE them!), but when we dropped the kids off at my parent's house, my mom was making dinner and it smelled really good. So we ate dinner with them LOL! We decided we would go out for dessert instead. We headed to Cheddar's and while we were waiting to be seated, we decided we would also get an appetizer because it smelled so good in there. Yes, sadly we had just eaten a full meal, but still thought we needed an appetizer in addition to dessert. Um, can you tell that dieting was NOT one of my resolutions? Good thing. Anyway, we ordered the cheese fries and they were so good. Then we got the fudge cake sundae. OH. MY. GOSH! That cake was HUGE and oh so delicious. We both felt sick from eating so much when we left. Off to the movie we went. Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol was Lane's pick. It was action packed and pretty good. Well besides that fact that it was totally unbelievable.  In pretty much every scene Tom Cruise should have been knocked unconscience if not dead. For some reason that really bothered me. Guess that's why they call it Mission Impossible. Anyway, we so enjoyed our little date and look for to many more!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Not Ready

I have been planning on potty training Elliot at the first of the year. She's just shy of 2 1/2 years old and I have felt that she's ready, seeing as she tells me she needs to go potty when she needs a new diaper. Of course she's already gone in the diaper at that point. But I figured with a little "training" she'd pick right up on it. The other day she said she had to go potty, so I took her in there and set her on the pot. She told me to close the door, so I did. Then I hear her say, "I'm finished." Not expecting anything I go in there and take a look and sure enough she went #2. What a surprise. That incident confirmed my feeling that she was so ready.

Well we didn't make it past day 1. I quickly realized that she's NOT ready. She only had 1 successful potty visit and that was right after her bath at night. I even set a timer to take her into the bathroom every 10 minutes, but she never had to go when the timer went off. Now I'm not writing her off so quickly because she had accidents all day long. That part doesn't bother me. For me the indicator that she wasn't ready was when she would be sitting in her chair and pee and not even flinch. Even after she had finished. She'd just sit there and continue watching tv like nothing ever happened. So she's not recognizing the feeling that she has to go, or that she's gone for that matter. I guess I will just wait a bit longer until that clicks for her. Sigh.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

Last year, I didn't make any resolutions. None came to mind, so I skipped it altogether. I break them anyway...and usually within the first month. But this year, I'm excited to set some goals for myself to work towards. And with any luck, I will finish the year as a better person. Most of these are of a spiritual nature. I was actually kind of surprised by that, but apparently it's what I need. So here we go...
-Have a more positive attitude
-Monthly dates with Lane
-Monthly temple visits
-Daily personal  prayer on my knees (the knees is the hard part for me)
-Daily family prayer
-Daily personal scripture study
-Daily family scripture study
-Weekly family home evening
-Read the R.S. weekly lesson
-Read the Ensign every month (we keep this in the car, so I read while Lane drives)
-Read a conference talk once a month with Lane & discuss
-Fast once a month
-Pay fast offerings once a month