Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

Last year, I didn't make any resolutions. None came to mind, so I skipped it altogether. I break them anyway...and usually within the first month. But this year, I'm excited to set some goals for myself to work towards. And with any luck, I will finish the year as a better person. Most of these are of a spiritual nature. I was actually kind of surprised by that, but apparently it's what I need. So here we go...
-Have a more positive attitude
-Monthly dates with Lane
-Monthly temple visits
-Daily personal  prayer on my knees (the knees is the hard part for me)
-Daily family prayer
-Daily personal scripture study
-Daily family scripture study
-Weekly family home evening
-Read the R.S. weekly lesson
-Read the Ensign every month (we keep this in the car, so I read while Lane drives)
-Read a conference talk once a month with Lane & discuss
-Fast once a month
-Pay fast offerings once a month


Regina said...

Holy Moly, that is ambitious! I bet you will actually stick to most of these. I need to do all these too. The only thing we are pretty good at is family prayer daily. But only with Kelly, so I guess it's not really 'family'!

Jami said...

That's a lot of things. Three is all I'm willing to commit to. I want us to do better about going to the temple, but I put every other month. All of your goals are great. We do a few of yours alright--family prayer, fast offering, and FHE--but we've been at it a little longer. You have time to get better.

Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

I love the wish lanterns! so fun!
and great goals. I used to read the Ensign each month but ooooh man. I can hardly make it to the VT message these days. oh well!

Gwen said...

I already do all of those don't?! JUST JOKING!!! Good luck on all of your new goals! Don't get discouraged if you fall off track. Just dust yourself off and try again. You'll see your blessings in no time :o)

Debbie said...

that's a great list! I love that yours is more of a spiritual list this year. nothing wrong with that! keep it up, I'm sure you'll feel so much better if you're able to stick with these. (I think I wrote that for myself to follow my own list, too.) ha. :)

Alys said...

Those are good ones. I have some in mind, but I need to write them down. Ha! I guess they will become goals then.

Allison said...

That is a good list, but quite long. :) Ambitious like me! I feel like most of my goals are the same every healthy, exercise, lose some pounds, be more patient with the kids, more date nights, as well as some spiritual goals. We need to get better at family prayers before dinner and at bedtime as we have fallen off of the bandwagon. Thanks for inspiring me to get motivated!

Christina Bassi said...

Such a great list, Jalei! Very inspiring! :-)

Lindsey said...

Great list!! I still haven't done mine yet...

Jocelyn said...

I don't know what some of this means (R.S... Ensign... read a conference... fast offerings...), but it sounds like a good list (and I'd love more detail). Good luck! We also should start praying as a family and start going to church more often.