Monday, September 30, 2013

Perry at 9 Months

Little miss is 9 months today! I love everything about her...except for her waking up around 5am each day. Can't wait til that is done with! She is doing fabulous. She gets anywhere she wants to go by scooting. And she's quick at it too. She's gotten up on her knees a couple of times, but that's it. I'm sure she'll be crawling here soon. She's gotten a lot more vocal as well. She'll just babble while she's playing with her pacifier. I feel like she's pretty small, but her stats are about average. I say that because she is wearing 6-9 month clothes. I just bought her a 9 month outfit today. She is long & light. Although she did jump up in the weight percentile from 5%

Height: 27.75 in--56%
Weight: 16 lbs 8.5 oz--22%
Head:17 in--34%

And just for comparison, here is a picture of Elliot & Davis at 9 months.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

There's a Hole in the Ceiling!

We finally found time to blow more insulation into our attic. It barely had ANY and as a result some of the bedrooms, especially Davis' were super hot. Here's Lane with the machine all loaded up & ready to climb up into the attic. It was quite the contraption. And notice the 2 pallets of insulation behind Lane. His dad & I opened those, broke them apart & put them into the machine as needed.
Things were going smoothly and we were about 5 minutes away from being done when I got a phone call from Lane saying he has fallen through the ceiling. I didn't believe him at first because he lies about things like that all the time, but sure enough as I walked into the house and into the living room I see the gaping hole! 
Lane would like for me to insert that I didn't even ask if he was ok & was more concerned about the giant opening in our ceiling. In my defense, the first thing he said on the phone was "I'm ok" so I didn't need to. Plus I apparently underestimated the seriousness of falling through ceilings. I really didn't think people got seriously hurt by doing so. ANYWAY...he didn't fall all the way to the ground. He caught himself on the rafters. His dad was able to nail up the hanging pieces, but we still need to fix it. Sigh. The most frustrating part about the whole ordeal is that we were SO CLOSE to being done. Now there's just more work.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Every mom knows a thing or two about snacks. They are lifesavers. But since Elliot has been in preschool (only 2 days mind you) I feel like I've taken the snack thing to a whole new level. It seemed like no big deal until they said at the parent meeting to pack "healthy snacks". That makes things a little trickier. I do not want to be that mom the teachers roll their eyes at because my child's lunch has no nutritional value. Anyway, I went to Costco today & ended up with LOTS of snacks. I just kept seeing things and I thinking, "oh Elliot would like that". So now my cupboards are overflowing with snacks. Now not all of them are healthy, but I have a sweet tooth, so I plan on sharing.
This giant tub contains EXCESS snacks that would not fit in the pantry. We got Rice Krispie Treats (I told you I was eating these too), fruit snacks, granola bars & pretzels. And in the pantry, we have raisins, dried fruit, fruit burst squeezers. Then in the fridge, we got your carrots, olives (she loves these), fruits, cheese sticks, & hummus singles to dip with whatever.

Things have changed since I was in school. Let's just say my mom wasn't packing me fruits & veggies. She knew better! I ate things like Fruit Roll Ups, Gushers, Little Debbie snacks & Capri Suns. Of course this was all in addition to a sandwich & an occasional chocolate milk. That's another thing, I just pack Elliot's sippy cup with water. Hopefully she'll have better eating habits that I do.

On another note, Elliot has started to make her bed in the mornings all by herself without me asking. I only showed her one time how to do it & she's gotten the hang of it. I'm very proud.

And what have Davis, Perry & I been up to? Oh you know, the usual...hanging out in our pjs, Target errands, buying elephant chairs from Costco. This boy needs a little extra love:)

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Elliot's 1st Day of Preschool

I cannot believe I have a child in preschool. Elliot has been so ready for this day for over a year now. But why was it that I was the one who woke up with my stomach in knots? I had all the emotions as if it were me. But she seemed cool & collected. When we got there, we hung up all of her things, I gave her a hug and kiss and then I handed her a little gift to give to her teacher. She walked into the room and that was it. Didn't look back or anything. Hopefully she didn't get scared later. I didn't stick around to find out. I was on the verge of tears before and after walking into her school. However I wouldn't allow one tear to escape. I didn't want her to see me and think she was supposed to be sad. I had to keep it together. My baby girl is growing up!

When I went to pick her up, she was all smiles. The teacher said she had a great day. When asked what her favorite part of the day was, she replied, "the playground". I guess that's normal. She did tell me all about her day. I was surprised she remembered so much. I think she'll doing really well at this school.