Wednesday, September 25, 2013

There's a Hole in the Ceiling!

We finally found time to blow more insulation into our attic. It barely had ANY and as a result some of the bedrooms, especially Davis' were super hot. Here's Lane with the machine all loaded up & ready to climb up into the attic. It was quite the contraption. And notice the 2 pallets of insulation behind Lane. His dad & I opened those, broke them apart & put them into the machine as needed.
Things were going smoothly and we were about 5 minutes away from being done when I got a phone call from Lane saying he has fallen through the ceiling. I didn't believe him at first because he lies about things like that all the time, but sure enough as I walked into the house and into the living room I see the gaping hole! 
Lane would like for me to insert that I didn't even ask if he was ok & was more concerned about the giant opening in our ceiling. In my defense, the first thing he said on the phone was "I'm ok" so I didn't need to. Plus I apparently underestimated the seriousness of falling through ceilings. I really didn't think people got seriously hurt by doing so. ANYWAY...he didn't fall all the way to the ground. He caught himself on the rafters. His dad was able to nail up the hanging pieces, but we still need to fix it. Sigh. The most frustrating part about the whole ordeal is that we were SO CLOSE to being done. Now there's just more work.


Allison said...

Sorry, but I am laughing because Jason did the exact same thing at our old house. And, I didn't ask if he was okay either. :) He caught himself too except I did see his foot hanging from the ceiling in our living room. He repaired it himself but there was always a line in the ceiling that was a constant reminder and provided a good laugh.

Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

I'm totally laughing. Sorry.

Jocelyn said...

How sucky... and kind of funny too. I feel your pain. When we had the hot water heater replaced at our old house, one of the workers fell through the ceiling. Luckily, he caught himself like Lane did and was OK, but it left a HUGE hole in our ceiling. The water heater company paid a painting company to fix it, but it looked pretty awful, and Scott ended up repainting it a year later. Also, it was above our stairs, so it was quite difficult to paint and required Scott to paint the entire ceiling, much of which was two-stories tall... and that meant Scott had to rent scaffolding. So crazy!!

I hope y'all get it all fixed soon and that the new insulation makes the house cooler as well!

Bexie Funk said...

That sucks! Hope it'll get fixed soon!

Christina Bassi said...

Oh no. How frustrating.

Jan said...

I did the same thing a few years ago--walking in our attic and I fell through the living room ceiling--it is really scary--but I wasn't hurt either!