Saturday, September 27, 2008


3 Joys:

1.My Family. I'm glad I live within traveling distance of our families. Makes life more pleasant.

2. My Friends. Most people go through life without a TRUE best friend. But I'm luckier than most because I have had 3!

3. The Dallas Cowboys. This is my favorite time of year because it's football season. I was just saying today that I don't like watching the game with people who aren't into it. It really bugs me for some reason.

3 Fears:

1. Scary things. I hate haunted houses, scary movies, people jumping out at me, anything of that nature. When I get scared, I get mad. Then I'm just angry. It's not a good thing.

2. Child birth. It's not that I don't want to have kids, I just don't want to go through the process. Reason being is that I'm afraid I'll die. I've always thought this way & as I get older, I get more scared. My dad always told me growing up that everything is mental. Now I'm afraid that I've believed this so much that it will actually come true.

3. Spiders in my car while I'm driving & am helpless. This exact thing happened to me one time when I was on the highway. I happened to notice a spider descending from the ceiling towards me. I try to lean out of the way & Lane swats at it & then I have no idea where it is & am freaking out. Not a good situation to be in during rush hour.

3 Goals:

1. Get back into the habit of exercising at least 3 times a week. I used to be so diligent back in the day & now I'm just lazy. I can't even will myself to do it.

2. Have more self control when I'm out to eat. When we're at home & eating dinner, I'm fine. But when we go to a restaurant, something comes over me. The food is so good I can't help but clean my plate! And I always order the worst thing on the menu because let's face it, when I go out to eat, I want something better than a salad.

3. Be more spiritual & all that entails. Every year I have this on my New Year's Resolutions list. Obviously I keep dropping the ball. Now I go to church every Sunday, but there are plenty more things I could be doing to make sure I'm where I need to be.

3 Obsessions:

1. Planning parties. I'm in the midst of planning 2 parties right now & I'm obsessed. They're all I think about!

2. Sweet things. Pretty much anything with sugar. I must have them in my house at all times, even when I'm trying to eat healthy. I never want to crack & not have anything to fall back on!

3. Fall TV. I have at least 1 show a day that I look forward to watching. It makes me so happy.

3 Facts:

1. I have the worst short term memory! This is the 2nd time I'm editing this post because I keep looking at others' blogs who did this & finding that I forgot a section.

2. I have a hot temper. I've gotten so much better since I've been married, but it's still there.

3. I love to celebrate. Whether it's a birthday, anniversary, any holiday, etc. There's always a reason to celebrate.


Regina said...

I remember the spider story. I believe you dropped a few choice words that day. And I am okay with watching the game with people who aren't necessarily into it, but if they are talking and keeping me from watching it, I get MAD! I feel your pain.

Jami said...

I will vouch for the temper. I think you get it from Dad.

the tatsaks said...

I sort of liked the hot temper. It always made for funny stories!

Bexie Funk said...

don't be afraid of child birth. it's cake when you have an epidural. well maybe not cake, but it's not painful. i think it's pretty cool

The Piersons said...

I love this post. I learned so many new facts about you. I am deathly afraid of child birth too. Not that I think I will die (that is hilarious by the way) but that it will hurt too bad.

Oh and you and Lane both have beautiful families!!

Kelley and Addison said...

ok...i bought the book twilight! they were out at walmart so, i just ordered in online. supposed to get it in a few days! i hope i like it!!

Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

I so wish we lived closer so I could come to your parties!

Donnie and Laura said...

YES! We can come, don't give our characters away!!!! I like your new background, very festive :)

Debbie said...

what a fun post! i may have to steal it at some point! love ur layout, too! fall is my favorite season!!

ps- i can't watch the Cowboys with people who don't get into it as much as me.....and that's A LOT! :)

Regina said...

okay, okay, post something new now.