Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Let It Snow!

Yay! Our first snowfall! All day long it was miserably cold...around 34 degrees. I probably felt it more than others because I was getting in & out of my car all day going to different schools. It rained on & off & eventually that rain turned into sleet & finally snow! Luckily I was home by that time. All of the cars in our complex have a pretty layer of snow over them. Here's an example above. Too bad when I wake up tomorrow it will all be gone. Just like it was a dream & temps will be back up to 60.


The Whites said...

I cant believe the snow actually stuck! I love that! I grew up in Washington and love the snow. I didnt even see any snow out here. But I heard there were snow flurries. Im so jealous!

Debbie said...

Ahhh...glad you got a picture of it! I called my husband from Orlando on Tuesday night (where it was 80 degrees!!!!) just to have him tell me it was about 25 and sleeting in Arlington!!!! So exciting, I LOVE this time of year!!

Regina said...

Yes, it snowed here too, and i totally missed it! Love it!!

tHe BrOwn FaMiLy said...

I was so excited!!! It feels like Christmas now.

Alys said...

That's Texas weather for you. We had frost on the ground this week and all the kids at school thought it was snow. I tried to explain that it was frost and not snow, but I'm not sure if they understand the difference.