Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Not What I Want To Hear

So of all days, I'm running a bit late to my appointment & then I hit crazy traffic. The office is located right in the middle of the medical district. So I do some Fast & Furious moves & manage to get to a different street that was a little better. 25 minutes later I arrive. Once I check in, I'm informed that my doctor just got called out to deliver a baby & I will have to reschedule. What?! After all that?! I mean, I understand. She's going to probably have to do that for most of her patients, so I didn't get too mad. But this was the 1 & only appointment that I actually cared about. This was the day I was supposed to find out if I'm going to have a cheerleader or a baseball player! Oh well. I sweet talked my way into getting an appointment for tomorrow at 11:45. All the other patients that I was listening to had to reschedule for the end of the month or even mid April, so I lucked out. Another day of suspense ahead!


Bexie Funk said...

what a bummer! i had to do the same thing with caroline and almost cried! hormones had taken me over!

Gwen said...

NOOOOO!!! I can't stand the suspense. I always feel bad when other patients have to reschedule b/c their doctor had to leave. I've only had to reschedule once, and that was last week. I went from a Thu to a Tue. So less than a week is not that bad. The fact that you got in the next day is AWESOME!!! Anyway, let us know tomorrow...

Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

NO!! I've been waiting and checking ALL day! Grr. And your little belly bump is adorable! Mine does that too....there at night, gone in the morning.

Debbie said...

awww, that stinks! I hated when my Dr had to run off and deliver babies! I figured out what day he was on call and made sure to never have appointments on that day or I knew I would be there for hours or never see him! oh well...more time for silly gender tests and wives tales! :)

{lex} said...

I can't wait to find out!!! You look really, really good. You have such a cuter "baby bump" than I do. Let us know ASAP with if it is a girl or a boy. Yahoo!