Friday, June 27, 2008

Astros vs. Rangers

Last night Lane & I went to see the Astros game. They were playing the Rangers, so I was really excited. I have to say the game was pretty uneventful. The Astros pretty much killed the Rangers, so it made for a boring game. And to top it all off, the beer guy was at the top of the stairs & I guess he accidentally knocked some over & they come tumbling down the stairs. I looked back & it was all in slow motion...the bottles flipping over and over, the top popping off of one & the liquid starting to come out, and eventually landing on my back. Yes that's right. Out of the entire crowd in our section, I was the only one who was hit. Nice.


Regina said...

That story is SO you!! Ha ha. I am laughing out loud!

Jami said...

You always say that if something bad is going to happen, it is going to happen to you.

Jalei & Lane said...

I do?