Sunday, June 8, 2008


This weekend we had ourselves a little road trip. Lauren & Christian picked us up and we headed to the capital of Texas: AUSTIN! Although we've been a few times, I still love it. I think the building is so pretty.
Lane told us about Mt. Bonnell. He said he remembered it took like 20 minutes to hike when he was 5. We thought it would be kind of fun to take a quick hike. Here we are on our way up.
Turns out it only took us 1 minute to reach the top! It's funny how everything seems so much bigger & longer when you're a kid.
Although we didn't get the hike we intended, the view was beautiful! The houses that lined the river were so nice & their lawns looked like golf courses. Definitely a place I'd love to live.
We went to these gardens that had peacocks walking around. You could get so close to them & they wouldn't even budge. The above picture is of one of the many little ponds with these really pretty flowers.

This is a 10 second clip of Lane being a dork! We went on a trail and came across a huge piles of leaves & a large stick. The boys thought it would be a good idea to use the stick as a pole vault.


Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

Lane is a dork!

tHe BrOwn FaMiLy said...

How fun! Austin is the greatest.

What a hilarious stunt by Lane.

Julianne said...

It is funny how time changes our perspective, then again it maybe did take 20 minutes for a five year old.

Christina Bassi said...

Fun, fun! I love Austin. Such a nice city. I like your new look too. Very nice! :)

Regina said...

looks like you had fun! what do you want to do when you come for the 4th?