Friday, August 8, 2008


1. As a comment on my blog, leave your favorite memory that you and I had together. It doesn’t matter if you knew me a little or a lot, or for a long while or a short while, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It’s actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I’ll assume you’re playing the game and I’ll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don’t want to play on your blog, or if you don’t have a blog, I’ll leave my memory of you in my comments.


Regina said...

Ok- there are soo many fun ones. Other than the ones you mentioned, how about our 4th year campout when we twisty tied out tent shut and slept during the service project only to wake up for the tire ride. Oh and "it's 7 o'clock on the dot, I'm in my drop top cruisin the street." I'm actually laughing right now about that.

Also, when we were seniors and got CiCi's everyday and ate our pizza shamelessly in front of the entire football team. Or when we would sunbathe on the bleachers and get yelled at to do our job.

ahhhhhh. good times.

Jami said...

I think the funniest memory was when the Christmas tree fell on you so that it looked like it was eating you. The most irritating was when you pretended that you lost my wedding ring right before our ring ceremony.

Jalei & Lane said...

Really? I don't remember pretending to lose your wedding ring. That's pretty funny of me. Haha.

Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

Tons. Some of my favs:
1-pulling over after we left my house to change from good girl clothes to tube tops and skirts before meeting our dates.
2-when you started your period and jamie was dying to know what happened in the bathroom. She thought you crapped on the floor.
3-dancing to MC Hammer's "you've got to pray" every day on the way home from Miller.

Julianne said...

I remember the day I met you, and learning your name was Jalei, I had never heard anyone besides Richard's niece (Jaley) with that name.
Of course I'm grateful to you and Lane for coming over and watching all the kids, right after I had the baby so I could go out to dinner with my siblings. THANKS!

Christina Bassi said...

We have so much fun with you guys. It is so nice living so close. My favorite memories are the ones were we are spending time together at your house just hanging out. I also liked the time we drove an hour north to go to "the lights in the Heights" and realized we went to the wrong Heights. It was the Heights of Houston which was 10 minutes from our house. Pretty funny.

Alyssa and Kevin said...

Lord girl.. I remember you and Regina ALWAYS being together. I don't know if thats a specific memory.. but anyway... :) We had so much fun! I loved "hiking the bleachers" to talk to you guys! You both always had so much fun! One time... it was period 3 for like 30 mins before one of the coaches yelled... "Jalei, stop sunbathing and change the period!" hahaha. Oh, and coming to see you and Regina after I graduated and ya'll we're still filming. I think it was Homecoming who knows.. I just loved being around you. I'm sure there are A MILLION more memories.. but my mind isn't what it once was.. kinda sad, actually. :P

Alyssa and Kevin said...

And dang-it Regina.. that song is stuck in my head now.. I love me some USHER!

Nicole said...

I remember taking 3 girls to a camp out. You finally talked my husband into letting you drive his car around the camp. That was so much fun.

the tatsaks said...

I think one of my favorite is when we were at Outback and you were just telling me how you were trying to eat healthy when the waitress walked up...and you ordered buffalo wings. And then spent the rest of the dinner trying to explain to me why they were healthy.