Friday, August 22, 2008

My New Friend the Dentist

Today I went to the dentist to get some cavities filled. Let's just say it's been a while since I've been! But I'm Taking care of it. Today's appointment felt like it was never going to end! First, I freaked out when she was giving me the shots. When I say freaked I don't mean crying or anything. She could just tell I was a bit nervous. Normally I'm pretty tough, but Lane went to the dentist last week & didn't take to the anesthesia, so he felt a lot of pain. That got me paranoid. The shots ended up being fine. The worst part was having to keep my mouth open for an hour straight! Now my jaw is SO sore. The problem I had was with swallowing. While my mouth is open, I tend to collect spit in there & it starts to trickle back to my throat nearly choking me. I don't want to start coughing & possibly hurt myself considering there's a drill inside my mouth! Yes I know they have the suction tube, but I think the tech was new & wasn't very good at working it. So the whole time I was consciously thinking about my breathing & not choking. Well I have another appointment on Tuesday to work on the other side of my mouth. Hopefully I'll be a pro at it by then.


Regina said...

Booo. That is no fun at all!! And I totally know what you mean. They never actually get all the spit out and I don't choke, but it grosses me out if I accidentally swallow some. Yuck. Good luck with the rest.

the tatsaks said...

I am so proud of you!!!

Paige said...

I haven't been to the dentist in forever and I need to make an appt. It is just so low on my priority list.

Alyssa and Kevin said...

oh.. your post made me cringe!! EECK. I need to go to the dentist too. I have a filling that fell out a very long time ago and I have been putting it off, it doesn't hurt but I know it's not good.. and then I was without health insurance for the summer so I couldn't go anyway...

To answer your question... The entire AISD Fine Arts Department (all the band, choir, orchestra teachers) perform at the Convocation for all their fellow teachers (there are 8,000 of us in AISD which is why they held it at Nokia Theater, to house us all). They needed more bodies to sing this year, cuz they threw it together last min... so I, a speech teacher, "technically" under the fine arts bubble, agreed to sing. I had a great time!!

KT said...

I know what you mean about your jaw being sore. I hate keeping my mouth open forever. One time I had a mold of my teeth made. I felt like the mold was slipping down my throat and choking me but I had to leave it in for a couple minutes- I was so glad to take it out!

Jami said...

I have never known you to have trouble keeping your mouth open for an hour.

Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

Ick! Mean dentists.

Debbie said...

OMG...that brings back memories. I had to go get 2 fillings last January...and I (found out 2 days after) had a sinus infection!!! It was the most God-awful appointment. I couldn't breathe through my nose, couldn't swallow..and was choking the entire time. Ugh, I really hate the dentist....