Elliot had her 2 month check up today. She did surprisingly well. Of course she cried when they gave her 3 shots, but she had stopped by the time I put her pants back on. I was really worried that she would be grumpy because they were running behind & it was time to feed her. But, she was good as gold. Her doctor was really impressed by how well she lifted her head up & held it up when she was on her tummy. That's my girl! Here are her stats...
-Weight 9lbs 11oz (20%)
-Height 23 inches (75%)
-Head 14.5 inches (3%)
Daddy's little girl
-Weight 9lbs 11oz (20%)
-Height 23 inches (75%)
-Head 14.5 inches (3%)
Daddy's little girl
She is such a cutie. Our girls are so close in size. Such little peanuts.
Can you believe that it has been 2 months since you had her?! It's crazy how time flies isn't it?! I'm glad that she is doing well. I love her little cheeks!
I can't believe I still haven't met her yet--she is so adorable!!!
Isn't it so sad when they get their shots?! Mommies definitely take it harder than the babies do, though. Glad she's doing so well!! :)
Okay, she ways 2oz LESS than Kelly weighed at his 2WEEK appt!! She is a little peanut! She is so adorable, I can't wait to see her again!
Okay, she weighs less, not ways less. I am dumb.
I love her little pants!
Oh and I've been meaning to ask you... I know your husband is in med school, and I wonder if he knows my sister-in-law, who graduated in May from UTMB and is now doing her residency at Baylor in Houson in med-peds (internal medicine and pediatrics). Her name is Shelly Gore (but her first name is really Rochelle and I think her white coat says "R.M. Gore"). It's a pretty small world, so I wouldn't be surprised if they either know of each other now or meet in the future.
She is really cute! And, long and skinny with a small head. Definitely better than having a big head.
Love, Love, love the sweatshirt! She's getting cuter every day! Next time we're in Houston I'd love to meet her.
She is getting too cute.
I'm surprised by her height! I didn't realize she was that long. I love the deer in the headlight pic :) She is such a sweet girl.
She is really cute and very lady like. I am afraid that if we ever put Vince and Elliot by each other that if Vince rolls over onto her he might crush her...:( My baby is not a baby any longer and is only 2 months old. Sad. We had his 2 month checkup today and he weighs....16 lbs. 7 oz. Yikes! He has doubled his birth weight already. He is also 24 inches long. He has grown 4 inches in 2 months. Oh and he also has a big head, poor guy (87%). I want to hold Elliot to see what it is like to have a normal newborn. :)
HA! I am loving the deer in headlights!!! She is so cute and SO tiny!
Was it sad to watch her get her shots? I love the deer in headlights picture!
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