Thursday, February 4, 2010

Naps Aren't Just For Kids

I am having trouble getting to sleep at night and I know exactly why, but just can't seem to kick the habit. My normal bedtime post baby is around 9ish and I LOVE that. I feel I need to go to sleep early so I can wake up however many times it takes to put her pacifier back in her mouth and to feed her. She usually doesn't start squirming around until midnight and by that point I've been out for 3 hours so it's not so bad getting up. Although last night she didn't get up once! Keep your fingers crossed that it will continue. You want to know why I'm staying up later these days? It's because when I put E down for her morning nap, I put myself down as well. And we sleep a good 2 hours! I've told myself I'm going to stop it, but I have to confess I LIKE napping with her. Yes we're in the same bed...I can't fit into hers. Plus I know I won't be able to do it forever so I'm taking advantage of it. Here's how this all started...I am not a morning person, so when I have to get up at 7am for her, I'm just counting down the 2 hours it takes to tire her out so I can sleep too! I would put her in her own crib but for some reason she will only last 45 minutes tops. But if I'm next to her, she'll go 2 hours! It's awesome. Plus, how can I resist this face?
I can't. Which is why it is now 11:26pm and I'm up blogging all alone. :(


Allison said...

I'm up too all alone! Not because
I had a nap today but because I have so much on my mind from a crazy few days. But, I used to do the same thing when Landon was that age except he slept in his crib (our kids have never done well sleeping with us). We would take 2 hour morning naps and I also had a hard time going to sleep at night. I say enjoy it while it lasts as they grow up so fast and she won't be doing it that much longer. I sure do miss snuggly babies!! :( And, you're right....that face is hard to resist!

The Piersons said...

I bet that is such a sweet time when you sleep with your little girl. And I don't think there is any reason to feel bad, I still take a nap everyday when Carson goes down for his afternoon nap and he's been sleeping through the night for months and I'm not about to kick the habit. :)

Gwen said...

I have a theory. Maybe Elliot sleeps better with you because of your body heat. Scarlett sleeps way better and longer with us than she does in her crib. I'm certain it's because of our body heat to give her extra warmth. Good for you for taking advantage of nap time by sleeping with her. Mothers like to cuddle too and there is nothing wrong that :)

Crystal Stanworth said...

I don't know how you can get up at night with her still! I'm a sucker for sleep - I need 8-9 hours continuous... and after 4 months we let her cry it out and found she needed 13 hours of continuous sleep and still needs 12!

Paige said...

I still nap as much as I can too, it's great! Sometimes it makes me feel guilty like I should be doing something else, but I do it anyway.

Lindsey said...

Jalei, I think that is the sweetest thing ever that you guys nap together. Awww. :)

Alys said...

I take naps many mornings too. It is when Harrison sleeps the best. He sleeps from about 9:30-5ish sometimes 6, so I can't complain. But, it is nice to know I can take a nap with him for a little while in the morning if I need one.

Debbie said...

I did the exact same thing with Jacob when I was at home with him before going back to work. I always napped when he napped. He's almost a year and on the weekends, sometimes we still take a nap when Jacob goes down for his! It's too good to pass up! Besides, putting a baby down for a nap could put anyone to sleep! Rocking them and watching them barely hold their eyes open...I'm out! :)

Jami said...

I take naps with Eleanor during the weekend. It is because we are out of space, but I would probably still take one even if she was in her bed.

Bexie Funk said...

so cute! i agree its fun napping with them while they're still tiny. i wish I could still take naps while the kids do, i sure could use one some days

Melanie said...

Um...I am up all of the time and still sleep the best at nap time. Way to go with the sleeping for 2 hours with you! Its hard to imagine such a blissful moment. :)

Regina said...

I seriously haven't napped at all since Kelly was born. Which is weird because I used to nap all the time! I think it made me more tired or disoriented or something. Even when he was a baby and my mom or Debbie would come so I could nap, I wouldn't. Weird.

the tatsaks said...

I did this with Kinsley and even though we are still doing it and sometimes it gets annoying, there is NOTHING like snuggling up next to your baby and knowing that all they want is to be right with you! I say enjoy it!