I went to my new OB today (who I love!) & we finally got a real ultrasound. Her machine wasn't very good, but she said it's pretty obvious. Lane could tell too. I on the other hand cannot read those things to save my life so I'm taking their word for it. I have my "official" ultrasound in June, but the results should remain the same.
We are so excited to be adding a boy to our little family. It will definitely be a huge change since I know nothing about boys. But I'm sure it will be fine. We can't wait to meet little Davis Reid (his name) in October!
CONGRATS!! I'm so excited for you. It'll be a new adventure, but I'm sure it'll be nice to have a balance. Cute name! And are we going to get any baby bump pics?!
Yayyyyyyy!!! You don't need to know anything about boys! You're a good mommy and will be a good mommy to a boy or a girl! And I love that you are spelling Reid with an I. I like it better that way! ;)
Aww Congratulations!!! I didn't know anything about boys either, but it has turned out fine so far! Haha :) Boys are fun and looove their Mama's!! Love the name too!
Congratulations! I don't even know what to say. I'm so use to seeing you do girly things with E. I can't wait to see how you do with a boy! I'm sure you'll do great! Glad to hear that you like your ob. Loving your ob is mandatory when you're pregnant.
Woohoo!! I'm so excited for all of you! Boys are lots of fun and I'm so glad someone else is finally having a boy as 4 of my 5 friends having babies in the Fall are having girls. I bet your parents are over the moon to finally have a grandson! :)
I love the name! My mom's maiden name is Davis and my nephew's middle name is Reed, just spelled with e's. We must share the same good taste! Especially since Elliot and Emerson also have the same middle name.
Congratulations again. I'm sure the results will stay the same with two professionals in the room. :)
Yay for boys! Now people will tell you over and over that you have one of each and you don't have to have anymore. We get that all the time! I'm sure he's going to be adorable and I love the name, too!
Yay! I was hoping you would have a boy, so that Easton will not be so outnumbered at family functions. You will love having a boy! Cute name too!
I'm glad you like your new doctor. Will you get to stay with them the entire time?
The girls will be so excited to hear they will have a boy cousin for a change.
I'm so excited for you!! Boys are awesome and so much fun... just you wait! Oh and love his name -- does it have any special significance?
Congrats! That is so exciting! I was nervous about having a little boy after having a girl. Boys are very different but just as much fun as girls. And just be prepared to get peed on a lot in the beginning :)
Yea!!!! How exciting! I love his name. So cute.
How fun to have a boy and a girl!!
So excited for a boy cousin. And, boys are great! You will be fine.
YEA!!! We are both having BOYS!!!
Conratulations!! I love having boys and you're going to too, especially when they're basically wrecking your house :).
that's awesome! congrats!
WOOHOO!!! Now you'll have one of each! And can I say how impressed I am that you already have a name...our due date is in two days and I'm still not sure!!
Congratulations!!!! I had a feeling that it was a boy:)
awwww, Jalei!! i'm so behind on everyones blogs that I forgot it was time for you to find out the sex. SOOOO exciting!! glad that you'll have a boy to be able to experience boy. love his name, too!!! :)
AHHHHH!!!! How exciting!!! And I LOVE the name David too. My brother and Uncle are named David and I've always loved that name. Good choice. :)
AHHHHH!!!! How exciting!!! And I LOVE the name David too. My brother and Uncle are named David and I've always loved that name. Good choice. :)
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