Monday, January 7, 2013

Davis at 15 months

So much to say about this little guy. I feel like in the last week he has grown tremendously. He looks so much older, bigger, and feels so much heavier! I feel like it's harder for me to hold him post baby than it was before. It's the weirdest thing. He's still not talking much, but I can tell he's trying so hard. He babbles a ton and tries to repeat some of the words I say. He did say quack quack the other day and Jesus (of all words), so we're moving in the right direction. He still likes to stick to me like glue. He hates it when anyone leaves a room. He still loves to make dinosaur noises. He has the best smile in the world and a laugh that's contagious.
weight: 23 lbs--34%
height: 33 inches--94%
head: 18.31 inches--30%


Christina Bassi said...

I can only imagine how crazy church will be for you guys. Just three more months till nursery! :-)

Regina said...

He's seriously one cute kid! Can't wait to see a pic with his new haircut!

Jami said...

The haircut is really cute.

Jan said...

He does have a beautiful smile that melts his Mimi's heart!