Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Me Again

So I'm finally feeling like myself again. Not going to lie-the first week was ROUGH! 3 kids is tough. Props to all the mamas with 3+ kids. I couldn't even imagine! I thought I might have some post pardon depression going on, but realize it was just stress & adjusting to my new life. Like I said, the first week was a blur. I'm pretty sure I cried at least once every day. The strange thing about it was that it was always at a time when things were calm, but the waterworks started nonetheless. Anytime I thought about Lane leaving for work I would get really sad and anxious. Poor Lane had to deal with me & the crazies. But he did a great job. There is no way I could have survived without him comforting me, reassuring me & helping me. He seriously needs a reward.

But at about day 7 or 8, things started looking up. I was feeling more normal & together. I was making plans. I felt like I had a better handle on things. I started running an errand here & there just to get out of the house & that did a world of good for me. Of course I haven't ventured out with all 3 yet. Only 2 at a time. I'll have to work up to that one.


Christina Bassi said...

You are awesome. Glad things are getting better. I am still having a hard time. Three is a lot of work. There isn't enough time in the day.

Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

I'm glad you are getting out of the house and starting to feel better. It will only get easier from here! And you are NOT alone. We all go through those crazy feelings.

Laura said...

I am in awe of you, since I just went through my newborn stage. I can't imagine having more than one child! It is so hard, and you are still recovering. You should not be running errands...you need to be staying home and relaxing! Give yourself 3 months....

Regina said...

So happy you are feeling better!! Gotta get through those first two weeks!!

Alys said...

I still haven't one out with all 3 yet, ether. Except to a friends house. Sean has been going on all store runs with me. I don't even know when I will be able to.
Glad you are feeling better, though. It is an adjustment and just going through labor is hard, then lack of sleep, milk coming in, cramps, etc. is not fun. Hang in there. It will keep getting better.

Brenden said...

The post-partum stage is sooo rough. With Graham I had post-partum anxiety (didn't know it at the time, but looking back... for sure!) and mastits to top it off. With Claire there was the baby blues. Every evening I would get so down in the dumps. Those hormones are just crazy. Glad you are feeling better!! Perry is just gorgeous (just like her big sis and big brother).