Tuesday, January 8, 2013

They Love Her

Over the past few days I've watched how the kids interact with Perry. Let's be honest, there's not too much to do with her at the present time. However Elliot and Davis both seem to love her. Elliot has gotten in bed with me a few times while I'm nursing Perry and just lays down beside us. It's pretty sweet. We've had many conversations on where Perry gets her milk from and that we drink cow's milk and babies drink mommy's milk. Glad she knows the difference :) She also likes to sit by her and pat her head. Davis is also very interested in her. He likes to come up to her and lay his head down on her boppy or her tummy. It's so cute. I just have to watch him because he really wants to touch her face. The other day she was mid yawn and he stuck his finger in her mouth. Definitely can't leave them alone in a room together.


Allison said...

Melts my heart! So glad to hear that they love her and are responding positively. I can't get over how much Davis looks like Elliot at that age. Hope to see them in person soon! We are sending you our love and hugs and please tell your mom the same...I've been thinking about her a lot and hope she is recovering well. Your dad has his hands full, that's for sure. Bless his heart.

KT said...

Looks like Perry fits right in. Your kids are so cute! How is it having 3?

Jami said...

Elliot is always talking about Perry in Sunbeams.

Jan said...

So precious!