Friday, July 24, 2009

The Greatest Show on Earth

Tonight we went to the circus! But before we got there, I stubbed my toe on some metal thing that was sticking out of the concrete. It ended up slicing my toe pretty bad & since we didn't have any band aids, we had to wrap a napkin around it until we made it inside. So our first stop was the EMT station. I realize this is a very unflattering picture of me, seeing as I look enormous, but I had to document it.

As for the was pretty good. Lane & I haven't been since we were kids. It was just as we suspected. A few good acts, lots of cheesy songs & jokes for the kids. Good thing we ate before we went because everything was outrageously overpriced! It made a sporting event look cheap. The cotton candy was $12, snow cones were $15 & lemonade was $9! Are you serious??!! When Elliot is old enough to appreciate it, we already decided to have a talk with her before hand about how she won't get to buy anything. Actually, I said we should let her get only 1 thing, but Lane said nothing. We'll see how that goes.

The tigers were cool, but my favorite was the elephants. They were so cute!

Another cool act were the motorcycles inside of the cage. They got up to 7 in there. You couldn't pay me enough to take that job. I don't know how someone didn't get hurt. So I highly recommend taking your kids to the circus. They will love it.


Regina said...

Elephants? Cute? Hmm. Ya, that stuff is way overpriced! I agree with you about letting her get one thing. It's part of the experience! He will change his mind, she will have him wrapped around his finger!

Alys said...

First, I can't believe you went home and put a post up. I was so tired when you guys left.
Anyway, the circus looked fun, and I agree that the elephants are cute.
About getting something, Lane is really practical, as am I. I think we got it from my dad. Lane might not change his mind. Maybe you could try a price limit. But then when everything is overpriced, all of it might be above the limit. Hmmm... good luck on figuring that one out.

Regina said...

And I can't BELIEVE I didn't comment on you stubbing your toe!! I'll just leave that one alone. It's too easy! :) Love ya!!

Jami said...

Leave it to you to spice up the circus. We still haven't gotten to take the girls because Lorelai hates clowns.

Jaymie and Justin said...

Sorry about your toe. Ouch! I do love the circus though.

Donnie and Laura said...

I have never been to the circus and everytime we see commercials for it I tell Donnie I want to go, but we didn't :( Cant' believe how outrageously priced everything is!! Is your toe all better now??

Debbie said...

awww, sorry about your toe! and HOLY CRAP....cotton candy for $12?!?!?!?! that's outrageous!