Monday, September 28, 2009

1st Night in Elliot's Room

We just got back from Arlington yesterday & instead of setting the pack 'n play back up, we decided it was time for Elliot to sleep in her own room. She didn't do horrible, but I wouldn't call it a great night either. The first part of the night she did fine. Slept til 3am. Then I fed her & put her back down. This is where things took a turn for the worse. She could not get back to sleep. I gave her the pacifier to help her out & it did, but the only problem was she would doze off & it would fall out, causing her to wake back up. I would then have to go in there & plug her back in only to repeat several times. I was watching all of this through my monitor by the way. After about an hour, Lane got some rubber bands & made a little head band for her. Don't worry it was loose. I really do think someone should mass produce something like this. I had a picture up, but my mom just called & chewed me out for posting it, so I took it down. She thinks someone may think I'm a terrible parent & get me into trouble. Anyway, like I said, it was loose, so it still fell out & I took it off. Well after about 2 hours of on/off sleep I finally took her out of the crib & put her in bed with me for about an hour & then it was time to feed her again. We will try it again tonight. I really think a main problem was that she's hot. I normally swaddle her because it helps her sleep, but at the same time the poor thing is sweating. So I took off the swaddle & she just flaps around. I don't know what to do to get a good balance. Any suggestions?


Regina said...

I about died when I saw this picture! Yall are a couple of nuts! kelly had that same problem with the paci falling out. It will get better. She might just be a sweaty baby. Most babies sweat when they sleep regardless of the temp. Swaddle her in a onesie in a light blanket and she should be fine.

Jocelyn said...

The rubber band picture cracked me up!

Jaymie and Justin said...

Lane is pretty crafty with those rubber bands. I'm no expert, but I have heard most people say that the first night in their own room is always tough. I'm sure it will get easier each night. Good luck!

KT said...

It's too funny to picture you guys up in the night creating the rubber band fix! I agree with the first comment-try just a onesie and light blanket to swaddle her at night, maybe even just a diaper and light blanket. Pacifiers can get kinda frustrating. Kira learned to suck her thumb and that solved that problem, but if she had continued to use a pacifier I think she would have learned to put it back in.

Gabe and Lindsay said...

First off, Elliot is a doll! I agree with everyone that is will get easier, but sleeping in a onesie and a light blanket with a fan would be my suggestion. Brody's paci falls out each night and we are still going in there to put it back in at 6 months, so let me know if you find a solution!!

the tatsaks said...

I say dont go in unless she is crying and I know they say to put them on their backs to sleep but the minute I put my kids on their tummys they slept great! We all did and survived! I would try some naps on her tummy and see if it helps.

Jami said...

That is the funniest picture I have ever seen.

Paige said...

It just takes time. Both of mine weren't sleeping soundly and through the night enough until about nine or ten weeks and that is when they moved to their room. Until then my advice is survive however you can. Also, I wouldn't force the paci issue if she is ok without one. It is so nice to have kids that can self soothe with their hand and not have to rely on a paci and dealing with the paci falling out stuff.

Jami said...

Light weight onsie, swaddle, and ceiling fan.

Lindsey said...

LOL that's too bad that I missed the rubber band photo!