Sunday, September 20, 2009

What a Morning

Today was my first day back to church. I should have known things would go wrong & make me want to pull my hair out, but I was in denial. Lane worked a night shift in the ER, got home at 8:30 this morning & immediately passed out. Things were going fine at first. I fed Elliot, put her in her bouncer as I took a shower & got ready. When I picked her back up I noticed this huge wet spot on the front of her onesie. It was too low to be spit up. It was pee. I have no idea how it got there! So I changed her & discovered she had the mother of all dirty diapers. There was no way I couldn't give her a bath. All the steam from the bath caused my hair to fall & I had to re-curl it. (disaster #1). This was not in my schedule, but had to be done. Then once she was all cleaned up, I got dressed. I decided to put on some lotion. As I press down on the pump, the lotion shoots straight out onto my black dress instead of into my hand. (disaster #2). I then changed outfits 3 more times since things don't fit quite the same as before. This was also not in my schedule. Finally I settle on something that I'm not crazy about & go to dress Elliot. The dress I had planned for her to wear didn't fit anymore, which I find ironic since she doesn't even fill out her newborn clothes. (disaster #3). I was really disappointed about this & go to get another dress which of course didn't fit her. I tried another one with the same problem. This resulted in her wearing a sleeper. By this time, church is starting & we are just now walking out the door. (disaster #4). All of my planning ahead, by laying out both of our outfits had gone to pot. At this point I'm so irritated that I don't want to go anymore, but I had to teach a lesson, so I had no choice. Then all my irritation gets directed towards Lane, because he was asleep during all of these mishaps. We finally make it 15 minutes late & have to settle for the fold out chairs instead of the cushy ones. (disaster #5). Now I know I'm being dramatic, but that was my miserable morning. Fortunately, Elliot was great throughout all 3 hours of church. Hopefully next week goes a lot smoother.


Alys said...

Oh, the things I have to look forward to. I have been having funny baby dreams lately. I am sure I will have a day like this, too. In fact, we have a hard time making it to church on time with just the two of us. With a baby, I am going to have to really plan ahead and wake up early.

KT said...

Oh man! Sundays can be hard with newborns and all the little things that can go wrong, but it will get better as you go.

Bexie Funk said...

Ah they joy of Sunday mornings. They get easier but some weeks I have the same feelings.

the tatsaks said...

Welcome to motherhood and starting to get ready 3 hours before you need to leave!!! I was seriously late for everything the first year of both of my kids life and still am occasionally! One tip I learned is to put on one of Andrew's big t-shirts over my clothes until we were literally about to walk out the door. Of course, both of mine were major vomiters! Anyways, no worries, you will get the hang of it.

Allison said...

Girl, my days go that way everyday! Especially trying to get 2 little kids ready and out the door for school. I feel your pain though when you feel like nothing is going your way. So frustrating! I'm glad Elliot was good for you during church. Our kids don't do well at all. I can't believe she is already 1 month old! We need to get together again soon....we can come to your side of town for a quick McDonald's? Just kidding.

Gwen said...

You poor thing! Seriously, try your clothes on the night before. That's exactly what I did because I could take my time and not get frustrated or feel rushed the morning of church. Do the same thing with Elliot.

Too bad you didn't have pictures of any of this! I would have loved to see them! It will get better, PROMISE!

Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

I'm laughing because that sounds JUST like my morning! I did the same things....set out everyone's outfits the night before, had both girls dressed and ready to go an hour before church, and somehow we were still thirty minutes late. Figures!

The Hickman Family said...

Welcome to motherhood! That reminds me of so many of my Sundays!

Jaymie and Justin said...

We've all had mornings like this before (although I'm sure there are more problems when a baby is involved). At least Elliot was good through church. That is a blessing.

The Piersons said...

The worst part of that for me is the fold out chairs, ouch. I mean you're obviously in better shape than I was at your point but I had to bring extra cushions with me to all my church meetings, the fold out chairs sound just miserable.
And as far as Sunday mornings I have found that no matter how much earlier I start getting ready or have things laid out, we still leave at the same time...its unbelievable. I'm sure it gets better right?? :)

Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

Ha. I went out the night before and bought her a newborn sized dress. She can't fit into any of her 0-3 month clothes yet and I was sick of not having a dress to fit her. I never bought any that small with Sage b/c I didn't want to spend the money and then have her grow out of it in a few weeks, but I decided to do it this go around.

tHe BrOwn FaMiLy said...

Oh!! The story of our life!! There always seems to be something stopping us from getting to church on time!! I feel your pain!

I saw you for a sec at church but never got to say hello...but I thought you looked great! Couldn't even tell you had just had a baby a month ago.

I hope that you have a fun visit this week!

Julianne said...

I feel your pain.

Lindsey said...

What a day! At least Elliot was good.

Debbie said...

Oh yes....and this is just the beginning! Instead of what normally takes about 5 minutes to get our the door takes about 30 to leave the house with a baby! But, it's all worth it! At least she was good for THREE hours in church....success #1! :)

Jami said...

You get used to it. My hair looks horrible most Sundays. The girls are always fixed, but Patrick never helps. I think you should be grateful you can wear any of your old clothes already. Focus on the positive.

Regina said...

Things will definitely go much smoother next time! But not because they won't happen, just because you will be used to it!

Laura said...

I feel your pain! :)