Sunday, April 11, 2010

Fresh Squeezed Lemonade

We stopped by a friend's house tonight & they sent us home with a bag of 6 lemons & some mint leaves. So I decided to make homemade lemonade. I have never done this before & should probably have thought it through a little more before starting, but that's usually how it goes for me. Learn from my mistakes. Mistake #1...just because you like pulp doesn't mean you should put in the skins from all 6 lemons. That is what I did & came out with a very chunky drink. Well actually, that is the only mistake I made, so I really didn't need to number it. Through all the pulp, I could tell that the drink really did taste great. So next time I'll get it right. And just an FYI, I added 4 cups of water & 1 cup of sugar.


ChelseaSalomone said...

That looks so good! E's latest pictures are adorable!

the tatsaks said...

What a little Marta Stewart you are!