Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Elliot's 1!

My sweet baby girl is 1 year old today! I cannot believe it. She is so fun to be around. She's starting to walk, babbles a ton & constantly smiles. Unfortunately, today was a different story. I wanted this day to be perfect, but I should have known that it would go all wrong. Good thing she won't remember this birthday.
The first thing that should have tipped me off as to how things would play out today was the smell of burning batter. Last night I was making her cake & I filled the pan up too much & batter was all over the bottom of my oven. I quickly put a cookie sheet under then pan & let it bake. Let's just say the cake turned out horribly. I made one of those giant cupcakes. I had it in my mind that that would be the "birthday cake" everyone would get each year. But I'm scrapping that idea. It's a poor excuse of a cake.
The morning started off pretty normal. Lane was at school & she was happy. By the time 12 'o clock rolled around, she was so whiny (which is very uncharacteristic of her) & Lane still wasn't home. I put her down early & she never fell asleep. Lane finally got home an hour & a half late. Since she wasn't sleeping, we got her back up & decided to do her birthday cake. I seriously took 15 pictures & she didn't smile in 1! And she was still fussy. I went ahead & cut her a piece of cake & fed it to her. Then she started to cry when it was all gone. So I started to cut her another piece of cake. All of a sudden it falls on the floor. And THAT was the straw that broke this camel's back! At that point I was so frustrated. I looked at Lane & said, "I'm getting really mad." Then I proceeded to stab the knife into the cake & go into my room & cry. That's right. I was crying in my room & Elliot was crying in the kitchen. I'm sure Lane was SO glad that he came home. Yes I was a bit dramatic, but I was so excited for her birthday & was so upset that she wasn't enjoying it. I finally pull myself together & by this time it was 1pm, so I put her down for a nap. I thought it would be a good idea if I took one as well. Lane had to leave to go back to school at 2:30 & won't be back until 11pm. So he was home for a whopping 2 hours. Not his fault. Just another frustration. After our naps, things were much better. And all is right in the world again.

Here she is pre-tantrums

Cake time

Post tantrums

Happy birthday Elliot! I still love you :)


Allison said...

Happy 1st Birthday Elliot!! Wow, I can't believe one year has gone by! She is so precious! Sorry it didn't go as you planned.....I TOTALLY understand how you feel and I would of thrown a fit too (just ask Jason)! I always have these perfect plans too and they never, ever go as planned. But, like you said, she will never remember it. And I thought the cake looked adorable.

robert said...

YEAH HAPPY BIRTHDAY sweet Eliot! Can't believe she's one. I am so sorry that things didn't quite work out... Especially when you have done all the work, and are so excited to celebrate her birthday! I totally understand, and have those moments too. Benjamin's 2nd birthday cake was a disaster, I had to remake the cake twice, and then Rob ended up making it. I cried. Anyway, We are so glad that Eliot is here, and she is such a sweet little thing.

On another note. We really need to get together soon :) Let me know when is a good time for you guys. we are super flexible.
_laura W8

Christina Bassi said...

What a funny story. Elliot has such a sweet mother to have worried so much about making her day special. I'm sure she had a great 1st birthday.

Jami said...

That is frustrating. I'm sure that she enjoyed herself. Tell her happy birthday from us.

Gwen said...

I love the stabbing the cake part! I can totally see you doing that. I'm sorry that you shed a few tears, too. At least the day ended on a good note! Happy b-day Elliot!!!

Jocelyn said...

As, I'm so sorry the day was not what you hoped for, but I'm glad it all ended well.

Happy First Birthday, Elliot!!

Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

I hate to say I'm glad your day was shit,(sorry for the language, but no other word sounds fierce enough here.) but I am. Mine was, too. I cried and told my mom I was totally unfit to be a mother. But I'm over it now. Trust me when I say you ain't alone!!!!!

Bexie Funk said...

that's really funny! i would've done the same thing. i'm a little more used to birthday's not working out so i just expect things to go wrong and it usually works out better. she's such a cutie!

Paige said...

The stabbing the cake is classic! In the pics the cake looks really cute!

Alys said...

Ok, that sounds like a bad day. I hope it got better. Elliot looks so big in that dress. It is hard to believe she is 1 year! And, she won't remember this birthday. You can hopefully look back and laugh about it from now.

Debbie said...

Awww, I can totally feel for you getting upset and frustrated when it doesn't go exactly how you picture it in your head. Poor thing! Elliot looks so cute, though! I love her big cupcake and her precious outfit.

Happy 1st birthday, Elliot!!!

the tatsaks said...

How could you be mad at that sweet thing! She looks as precious as can be! I know how frustrating it is when things don't go the way you have them planned in your mind! So been there!

Jaymie and Justin said...

I can't believe that she is 1! I'm sorry the day didn't turn out like you planned, but you're right. She won't remember

Laura said...

I was the same way with Katie's first birthday. I was so excited about it and had in my mind the way it should go... and it didn't go that way. I guess one year olds are hard to predict.

That cake looked really cute! Happy B-day Elliot!