Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 27 - Pets

I have 0 pets. I used to have a dachshund when I was 21, but she stayed with my parents when I got married. I would have loved to take her with me, but they had another dog & it would have been sad to separate them. Plus we live in an apartment, so it's not ideal for a pet. With that being said, I would like to get a dog when we have a house. I think they're great for kids. The only downside is shedding & the smell. I'm just not sure if I'm ready for all of that yet. But I do see it in our future.


Regina said...

We have a dog and our house doesnt smell!! Granted, he is 4 lbs but still! I bet there wouldnt have been a smell if it was just Winnie, but Jake was so big. And I am not sure you deserve another dog after bailing on Winnie. DEAD BEAT MOM!! :)

Caitlin said...

We are sooo not pet people. I would have cats, but Jared is highly allergic and so our only option is a dog and I too hat the shedding and the smell. Plus they require a lot of attention that I'd rather devote to other things.

Jami said...

Well Jake's been gone for a while now. I'm sure Mom and Dad would nor mind if you took her back.

the tatsaks said...

I see no animals in our future! My poor kids!