Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Another Christmas Celebration

We had our final Christmas celebration with Lane's dad & Brenda on Tuesday. We all got some wonderful things and enjoyed spending the day with them.
 E's new laptop.

She was ecstatic to see a that she got an electric train set! That was the first thing we had to put together when we got home. I didn't take very many pictures, but there were tons of gifts. In fact, due to the overload of gifts from all the grandparents, I probably could get away with not getting the kids anything next year :) When we got home, I had to reorganize both Elliot's & Davis' rooms to fit all the new things. We are so incredibly lucky to have such wonderful family.


Jami said...

Eleanor has been into Thomas lately. I wonder if she would like one of those?

Gwen said...

You are not alone. I'll be reorganizing, too. I sure wish I had your square footage, though. Reorganizing would be a lot easier!

the tatsaks said...

Y'all had a busy Christmas!!!! I LOVE all the pictures! So cute!