Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Day

Despite Lane having to work today from 11am-11pm, we still had a wonderful Christmas. Elliot woke up at 7am (we had to wake Davis up) and things got started. First, she checked to see if Santa ate his cookies.
 Yep, he sure did!
And he even left her something special too...a tricycle! She was very excited. Santa was feeling generous this year and also left her some dress up clothes.
Here's one of the gifts from mom & dad. Now she actually has food, pots, pans, etc to use in her kitchen.
 Davis wasn't totally left out. He got some brightly colored books to read.

After we had our little family Christmas, Lane headed off to work & I loaded up the kids & went to Grammy & Papi's house. My mom always makes the best breakfast. We had sausage egg burritos, cinnamon rolls, quiche & wassail. Oh I think I drank 5 cups of wassail!
After breakfast, we opened more presents.
 Elliot was super excited about getting some big girl panties. We start potty training in January!
 These 2 are kindred spirits. They get along so well.
Later that night, all my aunts & uncles & their families came over for some bbq. We were missing a few families, but here is most of us.
 And here's our family.


Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

I love all your Xmas posts. My fav pics are of Davis in his bear outfit in his carseat----so so cute. and the one of your mom and E making cookies. Such cute expressions on their faces!

Jami said...

That tricycle is cute.

Gwen said...

My mom bought training panties for Scarlett, too! I guess were on to the next phase in our little girls lives. Good luck with your potty training!

Jocelyn said...

I love Elliiot's face(s) in these pictures... you can see her excitement! It looks like y'all had a great Christmas!