Saturday, January 5, 2013

I feel like she's saying...

I've got the power!

This picture cracks me up. Well I'm not sure how much I'll be blogging in the near future because having 3 kids is HARD! I've always heard that the 3rd child just slides right into your family almost unnoticed, but that is not the case with us. She has been perfect, but Davis is only 15 months and is very demanding. Just trying to juggle Perry's schedule with the kids' has been a challenge. I feel so bad for Davis because he doesn't really understand why I can't play with him when I'm feeding Perry. He's also getting some more teeth in, so that just adds to the crying. I've had many generous offers to take him for a few days, but the thought just makes me cry. As hard as it is, I want him with me. I'm sure everything will settle down in a while. This too shall pass.


Debbie said...

hope things start to settle down and before you know it, you all will have a nice little routine going. get some rest here and there and you should take advantage of offers to help. there's nothing wrong with that. :)

Lindsey said...

This is so cute!! And I can't imagine having three kids, all of those schedules to coordinate would be crazy!

Jami said...

Cute picture.

Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

You're right, it will pass! It gets easier and I understand the need to keep the kids with you. I was the same way. She is adorable!

Bexie Funk said...

i was terrified to have graham, but devin was almost 2, its a big difference. 3 is really hard! you'll make it though!

Gwen said...

I felt the third child the most, too. And so has many others. It'll all be good once you get use to the craziness. Welcome to your new normal! Hang in there!!!

Christina Bassi said...

3 is hard. Things have been so busy lately. I am so behind on the blog. I can't imagine Garek being the same age as Davis. You must be losing your mind. Thank goodness your mom is there.

Regina said...

You poor thing! It IS hard, but it gets so so so much easier!

Regina said...

Oh- and to me, it kind of looks like she is saying "White power!" I'm just saying. You may need to have a chat with her...

Alys said...

3 is hard for sure, especially when they are so close in age. I feel like we were starting to get it together around 6 weeks. So, hang in there.
If feeding is a problem, and it is for me, seriously they get into everything when I sit down to feed Milo, then maybe you could have a special buck of toys or special book that just comes out then. Just an idea.
And, I know people offer to help, but I have not taken anyone up on it other than family. I have a hard time with that too. But, accept help if you need it.
Just remember it does get better. Right now you are just in survival mode.