Saturday, October 11, 2008


We've had a pretty stressful week & to top it all off, our car blew up. It's not as bad as it sounds. I went to get into the car & then turned it on & all of a sudden I heard BOOM! Then I start to see smoke coming out of the front left side of the hood. My first thought was, Oh no, did someone put a bomb in my car?? Then I was afraid to open the door in case that would trigger the car to explode. Don't ask me why I thought that could be a possibility. I have a wild imagination. I told Lane & when he opened the hood we saw the top part of the battery had popped off. So we had to call roadside assistance, which by the way is a very easy system to use! They came an hour later & towed our car to the dealership. Then this morning we drove our moped over there to get a rental. We opted for the Mazda 3. I have to say I like it! It has good get up & go. For a split second we thought about trading our Jeep in for one because we thought it would be half the price & half the gas. But when we looked it up on the internet, we discovered they're about the same price as the Jeep. So we'll stick with what we have for now.


Regina said...

Man!!! You have had a rough week! How are your other problems panning out? Good I hope! Just enjoy the car while you have it, but you gotta ride up high now!! Once you go SUV, you never go back!

tHe BrOwn FaMiLy said...

That's crazy! We are glad that ya'll are ok.

It's always something isn't it!!

the tatsaks said...

Man you need some good thoughts going your way...I am sending them now!!! I next week is better. I am totally laughing thinking of you both riding on the moped together. I dont know why but it just reminds me of Dumb and Dumber! Love yall!

Debbie said...

I agree with Regina...I had a Camaro in college and have since gotten an SUV....I don't think I could ever go back to a regular car. I even have a hard time driving my husband's's just not the same!!! :)

sorry you're having such a rough week, hope this week's better for you!

Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

Hey, my car is dead too! Annoying.

Christina Bassi said...

Your car too. You guys really have been having a crazy week. Let us know if we can do anything to help.

ChelseaSalomone said...

That is bad!! Hope things are better this week.

The Lindsey's said...

I wish I had a video of the moped thing that is great stuff..I hope the rest of the problems work out and get better this week our thoughts and prayers are with you

The Piersons said...

Sorry about your car. I think you should get a Mazda 3, I love those. :)

Oh and the post on that school made me upset too. That is absolutely ridiculous.

Jami said...

So what was wrong with the car? It sounds like you need to cut back on your CSI.

Julianne said...

That is quite an imagination, I think I would have the same thought though. I hope it is all working out okay.