Monday, June 22, 2009

30 weeks 4 days

I had another appointment today. They're so quick that they almost seem pointless. I was literally in & out in 15 minutes. So far I've gained 20 lbs. I think I'm storing most of it in my face, legs & butt. Elliot was once again moving around nonstop, which made it difficult for them to get the heartbeat (124bpm). I swear I have the most active child ever! The tech even said that usually it's only the boys that kick back. This is the 2nd time she's made this comment, which puts doubt in my head that Elliot is actually a girl. I would probably die if I found out she was a he. My nurse told me that I'm measuring small (26cm), so at my next visit, they are going to do an ultrasound. This makes me happy because I've been waiting for another chance to take a look & confirm that it's still a girl.


Allison said...

Emerson was the exact same way! She moved non-stop and a lot more than Landon ever did. She would keep me up all night long kicking, moving, and punching. It's funny though because it matches her personality out of the womb as she's very active and fiesty. I see how she is now and laugh because it reminds me of what she did in my tummy!

I felt the same way as you that I wanted as many ultrasounds as possible to make sure she was in fact a girl. I worried about it up until she was born!

Jami said...

I thought you said you never got measured.

Bexie Funk said...

i felt like devin never stopped as well. you're doing great only gaining 20 lbs so far!

Missy said...

Ben was super active too and after he was born he just did. not. stop. I will not wish that on you!

By the way, you can totally steal the pics off my blog if you want to post them here before you get your disc!