Monday, June 8, 2009

Poked & Proded

Today I had my 28 week check up & I was there for 3 hours! First they listened to Elliot's heart beat (140 bpm). She was moving around so much that it was hard for the technician to get a good reading. They had to do 2 separate tests & there was a lot of wait time. The first one was the glucose test to see if I have diabetes. Lane thinks I'll have it since I eat so many sweets. The drink they make you take 30 minutes before wasn't as bad as people had warned me. I recommend the Fruit Punch for anyone who has to do it. Then they drew my blood. After that I had to go get my blood drawn again to check to see if I already had antibodies to the rh factor. Don't ask me to go into detail about that because it's quite confusing. Basically since my blood type is B- & Lane's is O+ I had to do that. Then they made me wait over an hour to get a needle. I got so sleepy that I ended up laying down on the couch & dozing off until the lady called my name. Later I headed back over to my doctor's office where they then gave me that shot right in the butt. So after 3 hours, I had blood drawn twice & a shot. I wish I had a picture of it because I looked hilarious with bandages on both arms & my bum.


Missy said...

I have A- blood so I had to get the Rhogam shots, too. COMPLETELY AWFUL!! I got them in my arm and I hated every minute. And I hated being pregnant, too, you are not alone there! It's all worth it in the end though!

Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

I just did that test too, but no test in the butt. Ha ha for you!

Christina Bassi said...

Sounds like you had a fun day. Did you find out if you pasted the glucose test?

Jaymie and Justin said...

That is a long doctor's appointment. I have a 3 hour one tomorrow, so I will somewhat understand although I don't think I will be getting any shots. At least you got a few unpleasant experiences out of the way all at once.

the tatsaks said...

I dont think I had to do that! That sounds tramatic!!

The Rowes said...

The Rhogam shot kills! I swear when I got it, I felt like I was going to shoot across the room. That was one big needle. I was so ticked when I was pregnant with Dallin (#3) and they told me that the first two times I got the shot (with Emma and Katherine) that I didn't really need it. They said something about because Derek and I both are negative blood types you don't need it. They messed up the test with Emma and just assumed since I had it with Emma that I needed it for Katherine. Those punks! The first two shots were for nothing. Bummer for me. At least you have the really long appointment out of the way. The next ones will be a lot shorter. See you tonight at dessert group. I'm excited to get "my eat on." It is sure to be yummy!

Caitlin said...

Wow. That sounds like quite the experience. Plus side.. you have a doctor that has couches in their waiting room! That's awesome.

Alys said...

Uggg.... I went to the doctor yesterday too, but they just put the little heart beat thing on me. It was almost a waste of time of an appointment, but at least I got to hear the heartbeat, which was 145. I get to do the glucose testing at my next appointment. Fun, fun!

Debbie said...

I had the fruit punch, too! Not bad at all. I don't know if it was a mix of everyone's horror stories or what but mine was actually kind of good! Haha. :)

The Hickman Family said...

I didn't know they still gave people shots in the butt! That's hilarious! Hang in there it's almost over.

Jami said...

Next time you should ask for the drink to take with you. Then you drink it an hour before you go, and they draw the blood right away. It made it much easier this time. If it makes you feel any better, I've had two shots two days in a row.

Regina said...

Wow, I have never even heard of those shots. At least it's over with. I had the orange drink and it wasn't too bad either.

Bexie Funk said...

that really stinks, i have to get hormone shots every week but they're not too bad.

Julianne said...

I'm sorry it was such a long day. Being poked and prodded at the doctors is not fun. But a healthy baby is worth it in the end (not the end you got it in).
I am not a happy pregnant mom either. I don't understand what some women love about it.