Thursday, June 4, 2009

Box it Up

Even though we don't move until the end of June, today I pretty much boxed up our whole apartment with the exception of our bedroom & some necessary bathroom items. This picture doesn't look like a lot of boxes, but it really is & there's a bunch more in our storage closet as well. Call me anal, but I just like to have everything ready to go, so when the day finally does come I don't have to do as much. There's something so cleansing about moving. You get the chance to go through all of your things & see what you really want to keep. I'm the queen of throwing things away & I did a lot of that today! Loved it! I also made a huge pile of stuff to give to Goodwill. You'll notice that we took down our big bookshelf & the coffee table is missing. Unfortunately we have to sell them because they won't fit into our new apartment, boo! Now if only I could fast forward time to the move date!


Bexie Funk said...

wow you are on the ball! at our last move we packed up the night before, well shawn did. i think i'll be more motivated for the next move.

Fernando said...

Where exactly are you guys moving? Still in the neighborhood?

Jaymie and Justin said...

I didn't even know that you two were moving. Why are you moving? It is nice to clear out old junk and clutter.

Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

I'm the same way---love to throw out old stuff and love to get things done ahead of time. Can't wait to see the new place!

Paige said...

I am with you on loving to throw things away, donate things and just declutter. It is the best feeling!

Jami said...

Good job! Have you already let elders quorum know that you will need help moving?

the tatsaks said...

Man you are a planner! I HATE moving! It gets so overwhelming! However, I am definitely with you on cleaning stuff out! I love getting rid of stuff.