Sunday, November 2, 2008


Every year for my birthday, my dad gives me yellow roses. I thought I wasn't going to get them this year since I'm in Houston, but my dad surprised me with a beautiful delivery! I was so happy to get them! This is the first time I've spent my birthday away from my family, so I'm sad I will be missing out on a few traditions. But at least this one was not lost. Thanks dad!

Since my birthday falls on a Sunday this year, it kind of puts a damper on things. We have to go to church, which won't be over until 2pm. Plus, we can't go to dinner since it's Sunday. So...we had a pre-birthday dinner on Saturday. We went to El Tiempo Cantina & gorged ourselves on fajitas. They were SO good! One interesting thing happened while we were at dinner. An old guy who works there comes up to our table for no reason & starts talking. What he said was quite surprising... "When life gives you limes, make a glass of sweet lemonade & ____ everyone!" Thank you for that! Just what we wanted to hear on our night out.


Debbie said...

yayyyy! Happy Birthday! beautiful flowers, too! how sweet of your Dad to send them! :)

Regina said...

Awwww. that was so sweet of your dad!! And oh ym gosh, I cant believe you are wearing an animal print! Aren't you anti-animal print?

tHe BrOwn FaMiLy said...

We are glad that you had a wonderful birthday!

Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

Aw I love your dad!

Allison said...

So sweet of your dad! And, El Tiempo is yummy! Haven't been there in a few years.

Jami said...

That was sweet of Dad.

the tatsaks said...

Your dad is so sweet! I love him!

Jaymie and Justin said...

Looks like you had a great birthday! Lane's cake looks good and that was so sweet of your dad to send those yellow roses. Glad you enjoyed your birthday!