Saturday, November 22, 2008


I went to the much awaited Twilight movie. I even bought my tickets early. I thought it would be stupid, but secretly hoped to be surprised. However I was not. I give this movie a "C". None of the characters were how I pictured them except for maybe Bella & Jessica. Edward wasn't smooth & charming at all! However the first time he came on the screen the entire audience swooned! I totally thought the high school kids overacted in the cheesiest way possible. I was actually embarrassed for them! Even the dads tried to act cool when their characters in the book were completely opposite. The acting was unbearable! I thought about walking out. It just felt awkward the whole time. I will say that it got slightly better when Edward asked Bella to meet his parents. But only a little. The special affects were horrible. When Edward was running through the forest & climbing trees, it looked so fake. My favorite part of the whole movie was the baseball game. Sorry to totally pan this movie, but it is what it is. I'll still go see the sequels. They can only get better, right?


Regina said...

I think they will get a lot better because the budget will increase a lot. They didn't have that much of a budget and Amy said they had to spend the majority of it on the Meadow Scene. Weird huh? Anyway, I wish you were gonna be here for Thanksgiving so we could go see it again together!!!

Jami said...

I guess we are going to wait for it on DVD. I was afraid that it wasn't going to be good. I never could picture the people that they picked in the roles. Also the commercial looked so cheap.

Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

Aw I'm so sad you didn't like it!! Yes, it was cheesy but I still totally loved it.

Bexie Funk said...

i was afraid it was going to be bad! i still have to see it, i'm sure it'll be a guilty pleasure. that's really embarrassing for those girls though, get a grip!

tHe BrOwn FaMiLy said...

Yeah... it was pretty cheesy... but it was fun hanging out with ya'll.

Christina Bassi said...

Man, a "C". How sad. From the trailer it looked like they didn't have the biggest budget. It's amazing what money can do.

The Lindsey's said...

I have Taylor reading the book first before she sees the the sounds of it the book may be better

Paige said...

the gaylord is all free, you just go in and cruise around. Oh, parking is about $10.